Psych Flashcards
Hormone released from posterior pituitary?
Which hormone is released by the hypothalamus?
1) corticotrophin releasing hormone
3) LH
4) TSH
Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH)
Which part of the hypothalamus is responsible for sex behaviours?
Females = ventromedial hypothalamus
Males = preoptic region
What is the process for releasing thyroid hormone?
TRH releasing from hypothalamus which causes TSH secretion from the pituitary gland
Which part of the hypothalamus induces feeding and which supressess feeding?
Lateral hypothalamus induces feeding while ventromedial suppresses feeding.
Which area of the brain allows it to sense blood constituents?
Circumventricular organs
Which part of the hypothalamus is responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm?
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
What are the components of the limbic system?
Amygdala Hippocampus Fornix Mammillary body Septal nuclei
What is the papez circuit?
Cingulate cortex -> hippocampus -> mammillary bodies -> thalamus anterior nuclei -> cingulate cortex
3 main function of amygdala
Emotional learning and memory
Fear and fear conditioning
Where are the important punishment centers?
Midbrain and hypothalamus
Which brain regions play a role in reward and pleasurable feelings?
Septal nuclei and nucleus accumbens
What are 3 main outputs of stress response?
Behavioural response
Autonomic response
Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal response
Which brain structures receive CRH in stress sevent?
Amygdala and hippocampus
What is supraventricular tachycardia?
Hyperventilation -> reduced co2 in blood -> ventricles constrictt -> less CO -> heart beat faster
Which areas are targets for negative feedback of corticosteroids?
What are the cognitive areas tested in an MMSE
Orientation Attention and concentration Memory (short and long) Visual cognition General intelligence Replicate motor commands
Which brain lobe is damaged in prosopagnosia?
Ventral temporal lobe
Which brain part is most important for declarative memory?
Medial temporal lobe
What is the pathway for long term memory formation?
Cortical association cortex -> parahippocampal and rhinal cortex -> hippocampus -> thalamus, hptms -> PFC -> neocortex