Psych 213 - test 3 - ch 9 Flashcards
internal state that initiates, directs, and sustains behavior
desire to excel, striving for excellence and success
achievement motivation
is achievement motivation learned or inherited?
- learned
who came up with achievement motivation?
Thomas Adler
___ proposed the birth order hypothesis
birth order hypothesis
- the oldest child tends to be higher in achievement motivation
considers to what or to whom a person assigns responsibility for success or failure
attribution theory
tells where the success/failure responsibility is assigned
locus of control
locus of control: internal locus of control
- people see successes/failures as the consequences of their own actions and characteristics
locus of control: external locus of control
people blame successes/failures on outside forces
feeling that comes from interacting effectively with the evnvironment
focuses on expectations of efficacy rather than feelings
Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy
Four sources of efficacy expectations
- past performance accomplishments
- vicarious experiences
- verbal persuasion
- empotional arousal
sense that nothing one does mattters/one is doomed to fail
learned helplessness
doing something because it is fun and rewarding
intrinsic motivation