psych 1630 exam 3 chapter 9 Flashcards
Germinal Stage(Prenatal Development)
Conception to two weeks
Embryonic stage
two weeks to eight weeks
Fetal Stage
eight weeks to birth
Toxic substances that can harm the embryo or fetus during prenatal development
Critical Period
A period of time during which an organism must be exposed
to a certain stimulus for proper development to occur.
Secure Attachment
A parent–infant relationship in which the baby is secure when the parent is
present, distressed by separation, and delighted by reunion
Insecure Attachment
A parent–infant relationship in which the baby clings to the parent, cries at
separation, and reacts with anger or apathy to reunion
Piaget’s theory
as children get older, they advance through a series of
chronological cognitive stages, each distinguished by a specific kind of thinking
Sensorimotor Stage
Piaget’s first
stage of cognitive development, from
birth to 2 years old, when infants come
to know the world through their own
Pre operational Stage
Piaget’s second stage of
cognitive development, when 2- to 6-year-olds
become capable of reasoning in an intuitive,
prelogical manner
Concrete Operational Stage
third stage of cognitive development,
when children become capable of
logical reasoning.
Formal Operational Stage
fourth stage of cognitive development,
when adolescents become capable of
logic and abstract thought
In Piaget’s theory, mental representations of the world that guide the processes of
assimilation and accommodation.
In Piaget’s theory, the process of incorporating and, if necessary, changing
new information to fit existing cognitive structures.
In Piaget’s theory, the process of modifying existing cognitive structures in
response to new information
The tendency for attention to a stimulus to wane over time (often
used to determine whether an infant has “learned” a stimulus)
Lev Vygotsky
Founder of social-cultural focus on cognitive development