psych 1630 exam 3 chapter 8 Flashcards
Ways psychologists measure personality
interviews, observations, objective tests, and projective techniques.
Freud’s theory of personality and method of
psychotherapy, both of which assume that our motives are
largely unconscious
Defense Mechanisms
Unconscious methods of minimizing
anxiety by denying and distorting reality
A defense mechanism in which personally threatening
thoughts, memories, and impulses are banned from awareness
A primitive form of repression in which anxiety-filled external
events are not acknowledged
A defense mechanism in which people attribute or
“project” their own unacceptable impulses onto others.
Reaction Formation
A defense mechanism in which one converts an
unacceptable feeling into its opposite
A defense mechanism that involves making excuses
for one’s failures and shortcomings.
The channeling of repressed sexual and aggressive
urges into socially acceptable substitute outlets
A primitive and unconscious part of personality that contains basic drives and
operates according to the pleasure principle
The part of personality that operates according to the reality principle and mediates the conflict between the id and superego
The part of personality that consists of one’s moral ideals and
Locus of Control
The expectancy that one’s reinforcements are generally
controlled by internal or external factors
People who have an internal locus of control believe they are in charge of their own
destinies; those who have an external locus of control feel they are at the mercy of
luck, fate, and powerful others.
Conditional Positive Regard
A situation in which the acceptance and love one
receives from significant others is contingent on one’s behavior
Unconditional Positive Regard
A situation in which the acceptance and love
one receives from significant others is unqualified
Peek Experience
A fleeting but intense moment of self-
actualization in which people feel happy, absorbed, and
extraordinarily capable
Self actualization
a drive to behave in ways
that are consistent with one’s conscious identity, inherent capabilities, or self-
Self - Efficacy
The belief that one is capable of
performing the behaviors required to produce a desired
Reciprocal Determenism
The view that personality emerges from a mutual
interaction of individuals, their actions, and their environments.
A relatively stable predisposition to behave in a certain way