Psych 101 exam 1 Flashcards
Not Fail
Scientific study of behavior, and the mental process
Health Psychology
Promotes behavior that brings good (physical) health
Operant Conditioning
When a voluntary response is increased or depending on (un?)favorable consequences
Mirror Neurons
Neurons that mimic behavior from other people/sources
When exposure to one sensation brings about another one
Wilhelm Windt
Opened the first psychology lab in 1879, his goal: study the structures of the mind
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Difficulty understanding language
Absolute Threshold
smallest intensity of a threshold that must be present to be detected by the body
Scientific Method
Process of testing a hypothesis, systematically aquiring knowledge and understanding behavior
Central Nerveous System
The neurons in your brain and spine
Peripheral Nerveous system
Neurons throughout the body
Independent Variable
Variable manipulated by the research
Cells that receive and send messages to the brain,
Basic Element of the nerveous system
Law of Effect
Actions that have positive consequences are more likely repeated
Part of neuron that sends messages to other neurons
Part of neurons that receive messages
Part of the ear that vibrates when sound hits it
Correlational Research
Research that studies the relationship between two sets of variables
Place theory of hearing
Different areas of the phasmal membrane respond to different frequencies
Positive Punishment
Adding an (usually unpleasant) stimulus to REMOVE a stimulus/habit
Negative Punishment
Removing a stimulus to REMOVE a stimulus/habbit
Positive Reinforcement
Adding a stimulus to add a new stimulus/habbit
Negative Reinforcement
Removing a stimulus to add a new habbit/stimulus
REM sleep
the brain is active, body is basically paralyzed
Diversity in psychology
The low ammount of minorities in the field (in america)
Sleep Apnea
Difficulty breathing during sleep
Falling Asleep way to easily (medical condition)
Night Terrors
Waking up during a panic from nightmares
Stage 3 sleep
Night Terrors happen during this stage of sleep, deepest stage of sleep
Temporal Lobes
Side lobes of the brain
Oxipital Lobes
Lobes in the back of the head
Relatively permanent change in response to experience
Bad/Scary Dreams
Cell body of a neuron
Terminal Buttons
Part of axon that releases neurotransmitters
Mylin Sheath
Protects axons with a nice, thermal proof sheath
Chemicals that transfers messages from one neuron to the next
Space between two neurons (Axon and Dendrite)
Negative Reinforcer
Stimulus added to REMOVE unwanted behavior
State of awareness of the sensations, stimuluses, thoughts, feelings, ect at a given momment
Clearing your consciousness for
Weber’s Law
Just noticeable difference of the intensity of an initial stimulus
Classical Conditioning
type of learning where an unrelated stimulus starts to relate to another stimulus
Part of the brain that relates to learning and memory
Culture influences on the experience of consciousness
Substantial differences between cultures
Spontaneous Recovery
Reemergence of a previously extinguished response
Activation of sense organs via source of physical energy
Pavlov’s Dog
Experiment used to discover/define classical conditioning
Sensory adaptation
When you become accustomed to a stimulus
Limbic System
Part of brain that controls emotions and self preservation
Unconditioned Stimulus
Brings about a natural response
Chemicals secreted by insects and mammals into the environment for communication
Hypnosis against your will?
Dreams for survival theroy
Theroy where dreams are used to process our life for survival traits
Sigmund Freud
Fucking weird guy
Frequency theroy of hearing
Suggests that the basal memory is basically a biological microphone
Dependant Variable
Variable NOT modified by the researcher
All-or-none law
Neurons are either 100% on, or off. no inbetween
How the psyche perceives the senses/stimuli
Order of the lobes of the cortex, from anterior to posterior
Top-down processing
Perceiving the world around us by drawing from what we already know to interpret new information
Bottom-up processing
Perceiving the world using brand new sensations/stimuli first