new exam questions Flashcards
Process in which we encode and store information
Mood Disorder
Disturbance/emotional experience that intrudes on everyday living
Cognitive Psychology
Study of higher mental processes, such as perception, thinking, language, etc
Characteristics that compose individuality in a person
What do traditional intellegience tests assest
Convergent thinking
Life Review
Process of which people evaluate or reconsider their lives
Behavioral Economists
Focus on irrationality of judgements
Sensory Memory
Initial Stored information of a memory
Sudden awareness of the relationship among problem elements, previously independant
Capacity to understand the world, think rationally
Associative Identity Disorder
When a character displays two distinct personalities
Universal types of personality, experiences, and archetypes
fight or flight reponses activate what
Sympathetic Nerveous System
Tip of the tongue Phenomina
Inability to recall info otherwise known
Calming Down
Parasympathetic Nerveous System
Projective tests of personality
Rashaw Test
3 Broad phases of the problem solving
Preperation, Production, Judgement
Nature Vs Nurture
Whether behavior is based on genes (Heredity) or the enviroment (Nuture)
Breaking down information into short term memory
Retrograde Amnesia
Loss of memory before amnesia injury/accident
Antigrade Amnesia
Loss of memory AFTER the injury/accident
Passion Component of love
Intense emotional and physical attraction between partners
Physical Closeness and Romance
Freud’s three Personality structures during development
id -> ego -> superego
Order of the stages of parenetal development
Germinal -> Embreonic -> Fetal
Part of the brain that consolidates memory
Freud says much of our behavior is controlled by the….
Divert an undesirable impulse into a socially approved behavior
which big 5 personality traits belongs to extroversion
Process that guarantees a solution
Social Phobia
Avoiding Social interactions in general
The body maintaining a steady internal state
Medical Perspective on psychological Disorders
Prerequisite for being self realized
having all lower needs in the needs pyramid fulfilled
Halo Effect
Phenomena in which a person trait’s is used to inform positive or negative traits
a defense mechanism that redirects unacceptable impulses or emotions into more socially acceptable ones
Cognitive Dissonance
When someone holds two contradictory attitudes/thoughts
Central Traits
Positive traits that make up a personality. Helps people form an initial overall impression of others
Developmental Psychology
Study of the patterns of growth and change throughout life
Severe distortion or reality.
Biological & evolutionary perspective on personality
Anorexia is an ex of
Eating Disorders
Preconceived judgement on a group not based on reality
Change in attitude or behavior to follow standards of other people
Need for Achivement
Person who feels the need to achive and accomplish
Semantic Memory
General Knowledge and facts about the world
Social Influence
How social groups influence behavior, intentionally and unintentionally
Thoughts or Consciousness being ignored or burried in the brain
Ability to withstand overwhelming factors, can cause psychological harm
Socio Cultural Perspective on disorders
Assume people’s behavior is shaped by families, groups, or societey
Socio Psychology
How people fit in and are effected by others
Abnormality as a sense of producing personal discomfort
Abnormality defined
Behavior meant to help another without regard for self interest