PSYC412: Stress,health & Coping Flashcards
What is health?
A complete state of someone’s physical, mental and social well being.
What was the historical view on health?
Physical health, such as acute infection caused bad health. (Dualism) mind and body are separate.
Issues with historical view on health?
Reductionist, as a dualistic approach ignores links between mind and body and social implications.
What is the bio psychological model?
1.biological (physical)
2.psychological (SES)
What is the definition of stress?
Physical and emotional response to a stressor.
What is a fight or flight response?
Perceived threat that leads to psychological arousal, resulting in attacking or fleeing. This leads to stress.
What is the social readjustment rating scale (Holmes’s & Rahe 1967) SRRS
Number of points allocated to individual stressors and depending on how many of these stressors are present, the total point accumulated will determine the likelihood of illness.
What is health inequality?
People living in different socio-economical environments have increased likelihood of having stressors in their lives.
What is the social hierarchy model?
Low SES results in poorer health, whilst high SES results in better health.
Why is low SES important in regards to health?
Low SES means more stressors are present, this leads to bad life habits that affect health and higher chances of chronic health conditions.
What is chronic stress?
Stressors that last a long time
Why is chronic stress bad for health?
Constant intake of adrenaline due to FOF response damages immune function and can lead to chronic health issues such as CHD.
What causes Coronary heart disease?
Constant stress, leads to increase blood pressure and poor life habits such as an unhealthy diet. This causes tears in arteries that allows fatty deposits present in the blood to build up causing narrowing in the artery increasing the risk of blood clots.
What is stress appraisal?
1.primary=is this stressful
2.secondary= can I deal with it
Why may a stress response occur?
If the perceived demand of situation is greater that the resources needed to deal with it.
What are the goals of coping
Reduce stress
Tolerate negative event
Improve health
What are the three coping strategies?
1.Problem focused coping
2.Emotion focused coping
3.Emotional approach coping
What is problem focused coping
Taking direct action to reduce stressor or increasing resources to help reduce stress. (Changing job or having a tone schedule)
What is emotion focused coping?
Attempt to alleviate emotional tole by distracting or tolerating emotions caused by stressors. (Drugs, alcohol or forgetting about emotions).
What is emotional approach coping?
Clarifying and focusing on working through emotions associated with stressors by finding ways to change or make progress.
What is Terry and Hynes (1998) study look at?
Failed IVF treatment and which coping strategies worked best.
How can we decide which coping strategy is best for stress?
Using questionnaires to tailor what approach is needed.
What is type A personality?
2.achievement orientation
3.time urgent
What is Type B personality?
2.low anger and hostility
3.low time urgency
4.laid back/easy going
What was the western collaborative group study (Rosenman et al 1976 )
Prospective study with 3,500 males 39-59 that measured type A personalities and their medical health. After an 8.5 years follow up 71% of the candidates who suffered from CHD were type A personalities.
What was the cardiac stress program suinn 1980)
A control group and a type A group went through anxiety training and found that type A had a much lower percentage of repeat episodes.
Why was hostility an important aspect of type A personality?
The toxic component of type A personality that’s primary appraisal is threat which causes high stress levels, resulting in CHD, poor mental health and a compromised immune system.
What is resilience?
Psychological resilience characterised by ability to bounce back from negative experiences.
What are the 3 traits associated with resilience?
3.Locus of control
What is optimism?
Expecting good things to happen. Use problem and emotion coping correctly.accommodate stress and appraise stress as a challenge.
What is internal locus of control?
Internal LOC success is determined by you in order to make things happen. Use both emotion and problem focus. Primary appraisal seen as a challenge.
What is external LOC
External LOC success can only be achieved by external factors that they have no control over. Only uses emotional control due to the perception that they have no power to change external factors. Primary appraisal perceived as a threat
What are the 3 main components of hardiness (Susan Kobasa 1970)
What is commitment (hardiness)
Tendency to be involved in the world with a sense of purpose and meaning. Have an active approach in regards to life events.
What is challenge (hardiness)
Believe change is normal and see it as an Opportunity for growth. See threats as a challenge to over come rather than a threat.
What is control (hardiness)
Tendency to feel influential rather than helpless (internal LOC) stress is interpreted from self action rather than external factors. Transforming events into something consistent with their life plan.
What is hardiness?
General tendency to approach experiences openly and cope with it in a manner that can enhance performance and health.
What is social support?
Being told from others that we are valued and cared for. Quality over quantity. Allows for better coping with negative events reducing stress.
What is invisible support?
Perception and knowledge that help is there if we need it.