Psyc1 Flashcards
Classic Conditioning.
Learning in which a NATURAL response is elicited by a conditioned, or learned, stimulus that previously was presented in conjunction with an UNCONDITIONED stimulus
What is an example of Classic Conditioning?
Pavlov’s Dog
- Ringing bell (conditioned or learned stimulus)
- Salivation (natural response)
- Food (unconditioned stimulus)
Operant Conditioning.
Learning in which a particular action is elicited because it produces a reward
Types of operant conditioning.
- Positive Reinforcement
- mouse presses button to get food
- Negative Reinforcement
- mouse presses button to turn off loud noise
- Punishment
- repeated adverse stimulus stops unwanted behavior
- Extinction
- discontinuation of reinforcement (+ or -) eventually eliminates behavior
What is Transference?
Patients projects feelings about formative or other important persons onto Physician
-e.g., psychiatrist is seen as parent
What is Countertransference?
Doctor projects feelings about formative or other important persons onto patient
What are Ego Defenses?
unconscious mental processes used to resolve conflict and prevent undesirable feelings
What are the immature defenses?
Acting out DIssociation Denial Displacement Fixation Identification Isolation (of affect) Projection Rationalization Reaction formation Regression Repression Splitting
Example of what Immature Defense?
Acting out
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Multiple personality disorder (extreme form)
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Common reaction in newly diagnosed AIDS or cancer patient
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Mother yells at child, because her husband yelled at her
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Grown man obsessed with sports
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Abused child models behavior of his abuser
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Describing murder in graphic detail with no emotional response
Isolation (of affect)
Example of what Immature Defense?
-A man who wants another woman thinks his wife is cheating on him
Example of what Immature Defense?
-After getting fired, claiming that the job was not important anyways
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Patient with libidinous thoughts enters a monastery
Reaction formation
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Previously toilet trained toddler starts wetting bed after birth of new sibling
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Not remembering a conflictual or traumatic experience; pressing ad thoughts into the unconscious
Example of what Immature Defense?
-Patient says all nurses are cold and insensitive but that the doctors are wamr and friendly (All or Nothing) – Seen in Borderline Personality Disorder
What are the Mature Ego defenses?
- Altruism
- mafia boss donates money to charity
- Humor
- student jokes about boards
- Sublimation
- Teenager’s aggression toward father is redirected to perform well in sports
- Suppression
- Not thinking about Exam until week of
“Mature adults wear a SASH”