PSYC-2400 Flashcards
Feminine stereotype
Latina women
Have traditionally faced an ideal of femininity that glorified motherhood, subservience, and long-suffering endurance.
Peck and Chodorow disagree with Freud on:
Girls encounter more difficulties than boys in forming a proper gender identification.
“Females are superior to males on verbal tasks”
Alpha bias
Bias in formulating a research question
Maternal deprivation and paternal work patterns.
“Achievement” defined in terms of promotions at work
Androcengric norms
Unknown cause.
Delinquency, drug use and winning the lottery.
Selection bias
Participants were self-selected for motivation and interest.
Factors which produce small performance differences in males and females on cognitive tasks
Motivation, self-confidence, gender-role socialization.
First onset of menstruation.
Couvade syndrome
Physical symptoms developed for emotional reasons by expectant fathers.
Mid-life crisis
Loss of future
There is no differences between male and female performance on tests of general intelligence
IQ tests designed to eliminate differences between males and females.
First eight weeks of fetal development
Genitalia are identical but can still develop into male or female genitalia.
Children learn gender roles through external rewards and punishments, mature and internal rewards and punishments
Social cognitive Theory.
The probability of findings being an accident is less than 5%, and is therefore statistically significant.
Interpret information by relating it to something you already believe is true, ignore information that does not conform.
Narrative approach
Interviewed subject gives information, interviewer gives interpretation, records subjects reaction to interpretation.