psy test 2 Flashcards
sensation with perception
the activationof receptiors in response to environmental stimuli
the mental process of interpruting the senses
sensory recpetors
specialized cells unique to every sense organ respond to different stimuli
how physical stimuli gets translated into a psychological experience
conversention of stimuli into a form the brain can understand
the amout of stimulous that is needed for the recptor cell is to be activated
absolute threshold
the smallest possible stimulous strenght that can be dected half the time
subliminal perceeption
dection of stimulous below the level of consciousness
mere exposure effect
repeasted exposure to a stimulous increases people liking of that stimulous
sensory adaptation
reduces sensativity to a stimulous due to the repatition of sensing it
you sease to notice afer you have been around it fro a long period of time
weber’s law
your likely to notice a durastic change rather then a large change
K= constant tringale= change in stimuli
visual receptors cells recieve wave length of different lengths
wave lenght
distance from peak to peak
1x10 to the power of negative 9
we can only see wight light
the intensitity of a stimuli
measured by peak to trough of a wave lengtrh
radioent light
is visiable energy that is amitted from a object
reflection light
light that is reflected by objects
not a light
clear membrane that covers thw eye
gathers and directs incoming light
colored part of your eye
also a muscle
expands and contracts due to the amount of light
the black part of your eye
transperant structure behind the pupil
focuses or bend the light that enters the eye
optic nerve
back of the eye
carries visual receptor from the eye to the brain
color vision
colors reflect light
the perpetual experience of different wave length of light
the length of the wave length
200 nanometers
longer wave length
400 nanometers
shorter wave length
the puritiy or trueness of a color
made of fewer colors the purer the saturation
is the intensity of a color
measured in amplitude
the light sensatitve membrane at the back of the eye
sensory receptors located here
more rods then cones
receptors that detect color
visual accuate sharpness of detail
receptive to loght not color
more rods then cones in retina
responsable for night vision and peripherial vision
trichomatic theroy
three types of color
red, green, blue
opponent process theory
colors are exlained in pairs
red-green blue-yellow
after image
after you stop looking at a stimulous it will still appear
complete lack of color matt
lack a cone
can only see two color coen
chemical signal
can only be sensed by member of the same spiecies
giant sense organ
receptors for pain
not limited to just the skin
cataneous senses
skin recpetors specifically on your skin
pressure and pain
gate control theory of pain
pain is not only a product of psychical factors but also a product of psychological factors
kinetic sense
sense of location and position of ur body parts
sensory receptors in muslces and joints feedback aboutt bosy movement and location
vistibular sense
equalibrum sense of balance
in out inner ear
vision is involved
bottum up processing
starting with a basis element parts of something to create a whole
at work when we are confronted with ambiguous stimuli
top down processing
the whole is recognized before the sum of all parts
hemholzs unconscious infewrence
we have assumptions that fill in poerceptions thats not present in teh actual stimulous
what we remember about a stimuli could be different then how it acually happened due to expectations
gestalt psychology
sensatuionbs are processed according to constant meaningful rules that result in a perception whole
figure ground
ground is not the main of a picture