PSTM Lesson 1 - Introduction to Teaching Flashcards
Introduction to Teaching
Views the teacher as manager of complex classroom processes, a person charged with bringing about certain outcomes with students through using the best skills and techniques available.
The executive approach
Pavlovian conditioning or respondent conditioning is a reflexive or automatic type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoke by another stimulus.
Classical conditioning
Relies on explicit teaching through lectures and teacher led demonstrations.
Direct Instruction
It places high value on what students bring to the classroom setting, it places considerable emphasis on making use of students’ prior experience.
The facilitator approach
Students complete learning normally covered in the classroom in their own time by watching videos and accessing resources.
The flipped classroom
It is a procedure by which new knowledge fixed in the minds of students permanently. For this
purpose, a teacher does extra activities in the class.
Observational conditioning. In this theory, people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people.
Social conditioning
This approach lends itself smoothly to a unified teaching-learning concept of education.
Unified teaching
It is a large or small group activity that encourages students to focus on a topic and contribute to the free flow of ideas.
It lets the class members work actively with the ideas and the concepts being pursued. It also extremely effective in changing behavior or attitudes.
__________ describe health
in terms of six interacting and dynamic dimensions- physical, emotional, social,
intellectual, spiritual and occupation.
Hahn and Payne
__________ is an excellent way to pose assessment questions for the class to answer or give students task to complete.
Instructional materials that require projection and electricity in their using process. Ex. Slides, filmstrips, and
Projected Media
Teachers who operate under the __________ style are those who lead by the example, demonstrating to students how to access and comprehend information.
Personal Model
Involves the learning of specific concepts, the nature of concepts, and the development of logical reasoning & critical thinking.
Conceptual teaching
It emphasizes group work and a
strong sense of community.
Cooperative Learning
Project method, Problem solving method, Textbook method and so on.
Is rooted in notions of liberal education, wherein the goal is to liberate the mind to wonder, to know and understand.
The liberationist approach
Is a continuously measured during teacher instruction.
Student-Centered Approach
Demonstration method, Supervised study method and so on.
It is the broadest of the three making technique the most specific. A ways in which you try to engage students with the subject matter.
WHO has given a comprehensive definition of health in its preamble to constitution in _________
It refers to the process of imparting knowledge and skills from a teacher to a learner. It is deliberate intervention that involves planning and implementation of instructional activities.
__________ place a strong emphasis on the teacher-student relationship.
Takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his own experience and prior knowledge and is a method of instruction through which students interact with their environment by
exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies, or performing experiments.
Discovery learning
Cassettes and compact discs. It allow students to hear other
Audio Media
Computer networks, software, and the Internet. Offer resources beyond the library,
Develop computer and word processing skills ,Offer interactive learning.
Hyper Media
Are instructional scenarios where the learner is placed in a “world” defined by a teacher. It represent a reality within which the students interact.
Structured way of exploring the range of views on an issue. It consists of structured contest of argumentation.
__________ teachers are in a possession of all knowledge and expertise within the classroom.
It refers to the process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something.
It focuses on student investigation and hands-
on learning.
Inquiry Based Learning
The word health is derived from Hal, which mean ___________
“ hale ( strong, healthy),
sound ( body, family and environment),
It is a instrumental conditioning. Described as a process that attempts to modify behavior using positive and negative reinforcement.
Operant conditioning
Lecture method, Discussion method, Story telling method and so on.
Computer games, provide a playful environment for learning, Structure learning
through rules, Motivating for tedious or repetitive content ,Uses problem solving skills.
Gaming Media
The art of asking questions is at the heart of effective communication and information exchange, which underpins good teaching.
Is the art and science of directing and controlling the movements and activities of the army. This is also more comprehensive than method.
Are effective ways to get students to practically apply their skills, and their understanding of learned facts, to a real-world situation.
Case studies
__________ teachers are in a position of power and authority because of their exemplary knowledge and status over their students.
Formal Authority
Instructional materials that do not require the process of projection before its operation can take place. Ex. Photographs, diagrams, and displays.
Non-Projected Media
Inductive, Deductive, Analysis,
Synthesis method etc.
Treats all writing as a creative act which requires time and positive feedback to be done well.
Process writing
Teachers act as a “resource” to students, answering questions and reviewing their progress as needed.
__________ encompasses all the materials and physical means an
instructor might use to implement instruction and facilitate students’ achievement of instructional objectives.
Instructional media
It is the primary role of teachers to pass knowledge and information onto their student.
Teacher-Centered Approach
It is a method of instruction that gets students to work together in groups.
__________ is a social science that draws from the biological, environmental, psychological, physical and medical sciences to promote health
Health education
Videos, computer mediated instruction, and television. Experience concepts in a manner that is not available in “real life”.
Motion Media