psoriasis Flashcards
is psoriasis involving the entire skin
paoriasis erythroderma
ps arthritis occurs in how many % pxs
Psoriatic arthritis occurs in 10 to 25% o patients
age peak incidence
Allages.Early:Peakincidence occursat22.5yearso age(inchildren,the meanageo onsetis8years).Late:Presents around age 55. Early onset predicts a more severe and long-lasting disease, and there is usuallyapositive amilyhistoryo psoriasis.
gender gender
how many percent will children have ps if 1 or 2 parents have psoriasis
HEREDITY Polygenic trait. When one parent has psoriasis,8%o hisorhero springdevelop psoriasis; when both parents have psoriasis, 41% o their children develop psoriasis
HLA for ps
HLA- B13, B37, -B57, and, most impor- tantly,HLA-Cw6,whichisacandidate or
unctional involvement
infection that triggers acute guttate ps
Acute streptococcal in ection precipitates gut- tate psoriasis. Stress is a actor in ares o pso- riasis and is said to be as high as 40% in adults and even higher in children. Drugs: Systemic glucocorticoids, oral lithium, antimalarial drugs, inter eron, and β-adrenergic blockers can cause ares and cause a psoriasi orm drug eruption. Alcohol ingestion is a putative trigger
Psoriasis is a cell–drivendiseaseandthecytokinespectrum is that o a H1 response. Maintenance o psori- atic lesions is considered an ongoing autoreac- tiveimmuneresponsedrivenby….
TNFα,IL-17 and IL-23
dist and pred sites for acute guttat and chronic stable ps
AcuteGuttate. Disseminated,generalized, mainlytrunk.
Chronic Stable. Single lesion or lesions local- ized to one or more predilection sites: elbows
knees, sacral gluteal region, scalp, and palm/ soles (Fig. 3-5). Sometimes only regional involvement(scalp),o engeneralized. Pattern. Bilateral,o ensymmetric(predilec- tionsites,Fig.3-5);o ensparesexposedareas.
oil spot (pathognomonic)
nail lesiosn
Fingernailsandtoenails requently(25%) involved, especially with concomitant arthri- tis (Fig. 3-10). Nail changes include pitting, subungual hyperkeratosis, onycholysis, and yellowish-brown spots under the nail plate— the oil spot (pathognomonic)
Markedoverallthickeningo theepidermis (acanthosis)andthinningo epidermisover elongated dermal papillae. Increased mitosis o keratinocytes, broblasts, and endothelial cells. Parakeratotic hyperkeratosis (nuclei retained FIGURE3-5 Predilection sites o psoriasis. in the stratum corneum). In ammatory cells in
why do an aso titer and culture for what organism
SERUM Increased antistreptolysin titer in acute guttate psoriasis with antecedent streptococcal inection
T roat culture or group A β -hemolytic streptococcus in ection.
tx localized psoriasis
■ ■
opical uorinated glucocorticoid covered with plastic wrap. Glucocorticoid- impregnated tape also use ul. Beware o glucocosteroidsidee ects.
Hydrocolloid dressing, le on or 24 to 48 h, is e ectiveandpreventsscratching.
For small plaques (≤ 4 cm), triamcinolone acetonideaqueoussuspension3mg/mL
topical anthralin
vit d
opicalpimecrolimus,1%,ise ectivein inverse psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis- likepsoriasiso the aceandearcanals.
azarotene (a topical retinoid, 0.05 and 0.1% gel) has similar ef cacy, best combined with class II topical glucocorticoids.
All these topical treatments can be combined with 311-nm UVB phototherapy or PUVA
tx scalp psoriasis
SCALP Super cialscalingandlackingthick plaques: ar or ketoconazole shampoos ollowed bybetamethasonevalerate,1%lotion;i rerac- tory,clobetasolpropionate,0.05%scalpapplica- tion. In thick, adherent plaques (Fig. 3-7): scales have to be removed by 10% salicylic acid in mineral oil, covered with a plastic cap and
le on overnight be ore embarking on topical therapy.I thisisunsuccessul,considersys- temic treatment
palm and sole ps tx
PALMS AND SOLES (Fig. 3-6) Occlusive dressings with class I topical glucocorticoids
tx for inverse ps and nail lesions
Inverse Psoriasis (Fig. 3-9). opical glucocorti- coids (caution: these are atrophy-prone regions; steroidsshouldbeapplied oronlylimited periodso time);switchtotopicalvitaminD derivatives such as tazarotene, topical tacroli- mus, or pimecrolimus. I resistant or recurrent, consider systemic therapy.
NAILS (Fig. 3-10) opical treatments o the
ngernails are unsatis actory. Systemic M andCStherapyaree ectivebuttaketimeand arethuspronetosidee ects.
tx acute guttatE
ACUTE, GUTTATEPSORIASIS (Fig. 3-2) reat streptococcal in ection with antibiotics. Narrowband (311 nm) UVB irradiation most e ective.
tx generalized plaque type ps
GENERALIZEDPLAQUE-TYPEPSORIASIS (Fig.3-4) PUVA or systemic treatments that are given as either mono—or combined—or rotational therapy
uv tx in generalized ps
E ectiveonlyinthinplaques;e ectivenessis increased by combination with topical gluco- corticoids, vitamin D analogues, tazarotene, or topical tacrolimus/pimecrolimus.
ORALPUVA reatment consists o oral inges- tion o 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) (0.6 mg 8-MOP per kilogram body weight) or, in some European countries, 5-MOP (1.2 mg/kg body weight)andexposuretodoseso UVAthatare adjustedtothesensitivityo thepatient.Most patients clear a er 19 to 25 treatments, and the amount o UVA needed ranges rom 100 to 245 J/cm2. Long- erm Side Ef ects PUVA kerato- ses and squamous cell carcinomas in some patients who receive an excessive number o treatments.
what do you call the triple dose tx of methotrexate in ps
METHOTREXATETHERAPY Oral M X is one o the most e ective treatments but response is slow and long-term treatment is required. Hepatic toxicity may occur a ter cumula- tive doses in normal persons (≥ 1.5 g). he
riple-Dose (Weinstein) Regimen Pre erred by most over the single-dose M X once weekly, 5 mg is given every 12 h or a total
o three doses, i.e., 15 mg/week. Achieves an 80% improvement but total clearing only in some, and higher doses increase the risk o toxicity
cyclosporine toxicity
CYCLOSPORINE1 CS treatment is highly e ective atadoseo 3to5mg/kgperday.I thepatient responds, the dose is tapered to the lowest
e ectivemaintenancedose.Monitoringblood pressure and serum creatinine is mandatory becauseo theknownnephrotoxicityo
monoclonal tx
Alefacept isahumanlymphocyte unction- associated antigen (LFA)-3-IgG1 usion protein that prevents interaction o LFA-3 and CD2. Given intramuscularly once weekly
Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-α ) antagoniststhataree ectiveinpsoriasisare in iximab,adalimumab,andetanercept.In- liximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody to
NF-α . Administered intravenously at weeks 0,2,and6,itishighlye ectiveinpsoriasis andpsoriaticarthritis.Adalimumabisa ully human recombinant monoclonal antibody that speci cally targets NF-α. It is administered subcutaneously every other week andissimilarlye ectiveasin iximab.Etaner- cept is a human recombinant, soluble NF-α receptor that neutralizes NF-α activity. Administered subcutaneously twice weekly and islesse ectivethanin iximabandadalim- umabbutishighlye ectiveinpsoriatic arthritis.
Ustekinumab (Anti-Interleukin (IL) 12/Inter- leukin23p40) isahumanIgG1κmonoclo- nal antibody that binds to the common p40 subunit o human IL-12 and IL-23, preventing its interaction with its receptor. Given every 4monthssubcutaneously,itishighlye ective. Sekinumab is an anti-IL-17 recombinant ully human monocloncal antibody that neutralizes theproin ammatorycytokineIL-17A.Itis
delivered subcutaneously at weeks 0, 1, 2, and 3 ollowed by monthly maintenance doses
o 300 mg. It is rapidly e ective, even more
e ective than Ustekinumab, and is approved by EMA or the treatment o plaque psoriasis in adults.
Apremilast is a “small molecule”, phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor which can be administered orally and leads to a reduction
o proin ammatorycytokines( NFα,IL-23, IL-17) and thus to a down regulation o the
in ammatory process. Doses start with 10 mg POdaily,whichisgraduallyincreasedto 300mgbid.APASI75responseat16weeksis 33%,whichmeansasigni cantimprovement.
Allthesebiologicalsandotherscurrently developedinclinicaltrialshavesidee ects, and there are long-term sa ety concerns. Also, currently they are extremely expensive, which limits their use in clinical practice. For doses, see warnings and side e ects
tx general pustular ps
Ill patients with generalized rash should be hospitalized and treated in the same manner as patients with extensive burns, toxic epidermal necrolysis, or ex oliative erythroderma—in a specialized unit. Isolation, uid replacement, and repeated blood cultures are necessary. Rapid suppression and resolution o lesions is achieved by oral retinoids (acitretin, 50 mg/ day). Supportive measures should include uid intake, IV antibiotics to prevent septicemia, cardiac support, temperature control, topi-
cal lubricants, and antiseptic baths. Systemic glucocorticoids to be used only as a rescue intervention as rapid tachyphylaxis occurs. OralPUVAise ective,butlogisticso treat- ment are usually prohibitive in a toxic patient with ever.
Oral retinoids as in von Zumbusch pustular psoriasis; M X, once-a-week schedule, is the second-line choice