Provisions and events after the reporting period Flashcards
A liability of certain timing or amount, must be recognised when:
An entity has a present obligation as a result of past events.
It is probable (>50%) that an economic outflow will be required.
A reliable estimate can be made
Legal and constructive obligation
Legal = due to a contract, legislation or law Constructive = derives from the entity's actions where from past events have taken responsibility and as a result created a valid expectation to other parties it will have the same responsibility
Future operating losses
Future operating losses - not to be recognised as a provision as it does not meet the conceptual framework
Restructuring - provision only when it has an obligation (detailed formal plans and valid expectation to those affected it will be carried out)
Warranty provision
Decommissioning costs
Onerous contracts
Warranty provision - selling goods under a warranty creates a ‘legal obligation’, provision should be made under best estimates of costs
Decommissioning costs - Only if there is an obligation (i.e. part of their agreement), if cost relates to a NCA then it can be included in the cost and depreciated as normal
Onerous contracts - where the costs to meet obligations is greater than revenue received if so the present obligation should be a provision
Contingent liability
A possible (<50%) obligation which existence will be confirmed by the occurrence of 1 or more uncertain future events outside of the entity’s control; or
an existing obligation from past events which is not probable or because the amount cannot be easily measured
ONLY DISCLOSED IN NOTES not on balance sheet
Contingent liability disclosures
Description of nature
Estimate of financial impact
Indication of the uncertainties
Possibility of any reimbursement
Contingent asset
If <50% no disclosure
If >50% then disclose in notes ONLY
Adjusting and non adjusting events
Adjusting - when info is known about a condition in the accounts (debtor gone bankrupt, court case decision etc)
Non adjusting - conditions after accounts (decline in market value, fire after reporting date)