Accounting for associates Flashcards
Associate definition
An associate is an entity which the investor has significant influence.
Significant influence = power to aprticipate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the associate but is not control or joint control over those polices. Holds 20%-50%.
Shown by:
Representation on the board
Material transactions
Investment in associate carrying value
Almost always treated at cost
Consolidating financial statements - Statement of financial position
Use the equity method - i.e. the cost of the associate plus (or minus) post acquisition profits (or losses) less impairment less dividends received = Investment in Associate
Consolidating financial statements - P&L
Group % if Associates Profit After Tax for the year. This is shown before the group profit before tax.
Associate inra-group transactions
Associates are not a group company so don’t cancel any intra-group transactions.
However any unrealised profit and losses on transactions should be removed. Same PUP calculation with the final PUP being multiplied by the % holding in associate.
Parent sells:
Dr - Parents Cost of Sales and retained earnings: x %
Cr - Inventory in Associate: x % (if still held in inventory)
Associate sells:
Dr - Share of assocate profits and retained earnings: x %
Cr - Group inventories: x % (if still in inventory)
REMEBER: use fair value for net assets, no goodwill and no non-controlling interest calculation for an associate.