Provisional Relief Flashcards
Provisional relief
P files suit seeking injunctive relief- needs action soon before D commits harm.
two types:
1. Preliminary Injunction
2. Temporary Restraining Order
Preliminary Injunction
need notice to the adverse party AND 5 elements:
- Likelihood of Success on the Merits:
-The P’s legal claim is plausible and will likely win if litigated (law and facts are on the P’s side); - Irreparable Harm to the P if the PI is not granted;
- Balance of Hardships: -Whether the harm to the P is greater if the PI is denied, than the harm to the D if it is granted;
- Public Interest:
-The court will not issue a PI that is injurious to the public interest; and - Payment of Security:
-The P must deposit enough money with the court to compensate the D for any losses if the suit is unsuccessful.
Temporary Restraining Order
same 5 elements as PI
TROs expire 14 days after issuance.
-Can be extended for 14 days upon good cause shown.
TRO can be ex parte:
TRO can only be issued without notice if:
(1) specific facts clearly show that immediate and irreparable injury, loss, or damage will result before the adverse party can be heard in opposition; and
(2) the movant’s attorney certifies in writing any efforts made to give notice and the reasons why it should not be required.