proverbs Flashcards
a change is as good as
a rest
all work and no play makes
jack a dull boy
a lie begets ( father / give life to )
a lie
a picture is
worth a thousand words
a man is known by
the company he keeps
a rotten apple
spoils the barrel
a smooth sea never
make a skilled mariner - dont shy away from challenges in life. This means that overcoming adversity lead to competence
a friend in need is a friend indeed
someone who helps you when you are in trouble is a real friend
a book holds a house of gold
there is a wealth of knowledge in books
a good beginning makes a good end
if a task is carefully planned, there’s a better chance that it will be well done
a handful of patience is worth a bushel of brains
a measure of capacity equal to 8 gallons
patience is more precious than intelligence
a leopard cannot change its spots
its impossible for a bad person to become good
a watched pot never boils
if you wait anxiously for something to happen, it seems to take a long time.
a wise head keeps a still tougue
an intelligent person knows when to stay silent
a young idler, an old beggar
if you don’t work, you won’t have any money when you ‘re old
absence makes the heart grow fonder
when you away from someone you love, you love them even more
all days are short to industry and long to idleness
time goes by slowly when you have nothing to do
all’s well that ends well
if the outcome of a situation is happy, this compensates for any previous diffulty or unpleasantness
an empty purse frightens away friends.
when one’s financial situation deteriorates, friends tend to disappear.
an idle brain is the devil’s workshop.
when you are busy working, you avoid temptation
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
different people have different tastes
beauty is only skin deep
a person’s character is more important than their appearance
better be alone than in bad company
be careful in the choice of the people you associate with
better safe than sorry
it’s better to be too careful than to be careless and regret it later
diligence is the mother of good fortune
hard work brings rewards
don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched
you must not be too confident that something will be successful.
elbow grease is the best polish
hard work gives the best results
every cloud has a silver lining
there is a positive or hopeful side to every situation
experience is the father of wisdom
experience and knowledge result in better judgement
familiarity breeds contempt
knowing someone very well can lead to a lack of respect for them
fool me once, shame on you ; fool me twice, shame on me
one should learn from one’s mistakes
give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves
give someone enough time and freedom and they will get into trouble
great minds think alike
this is said when two people has the same opinion or make the same choice .
he who has enough is content
a happy person needs nothing more
homesome is what handsome does
behaviour is more important than appearance.
he who has enough is content
a happy person needs nothing more
home is where the heart is
you call home the place where the people you love are
however long the night, the dawn will break
bad things don’t last forever
if wishees were horses, then beggars would ride
wishing along is of no use; you must act as well
if you chase two rabbits, you will vatch neither one
if you try to do two things at the same time, you will not succeed in doing either of them
its’ no use crying over split milk
don’t express regret for something that has happened and cannot be remedied
kindle not a fire you cannot put out
do not start something that you cannot control. you may fail or cause damage
kindness begets kindness
if you are kind to someone, they will return your kindness
learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere
education is something that you keep forever
liars need good memories
people who do not tell the truth must be careful to remember what they say
look before you leap
consider possible consequences before taking action
many hands make light work
sharing work makes the task easier
men make houses, women make homes
women give a hosue its comfort and character
money doesn’t grow on trees
you should not waste money beacause it is not plentiful or obtained easily
never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
don’t postpone until later something that you can do now
no smoke without fire
there could be some truth in the rumour
one good turn deserves another
you should be helpful to someone who helps you
only real friends will tell you when your face is dirty
only a real friend will tell you the truth
poverty waits at the gates of idleness
if you do not work, you will not earn any money
pride comes before a fall
don’t be too self-confident or proud; something may happen to make you look foolish
put all your eggs in one basket
risk everything by replying on one plan
waste not, want not
if you never waste anything , you will have it when you need it
whne the cat is away, the mice will play
people sometimes misibehave when the peprson in authority is absent
you can’t teach an old dog new tricks
a person who is used to doing things a certain way cannot change
a rotten apple
spoils the barrel