Prepositional idiom Flashcards
back down
act up
to behave badly
angle for
try to gain
answer for
be responsible for
bear away
carry away
blow over
pass over
(of trouble) fade away without serious consequences.
“if he would simply cool off, the whole matter would soon blow over”
carry away
cause to lose self - control
come about
cry out against
do away with
give in
go into
go through
hand over
to yield control of
jump at
accept eagerly
jump on ( someone)
kick up
make a fuss
knock down
bring price down
lay about
lay out
invest / design
make up
mess about
play about
pass through
put across
successfully convey
play down
make less serious
pull together
reckon up
form an opinion
run down
discredit : To criticize, deprecate, or belittle someone or something
sit up
take sudden notice
sponge on
live on others
stick to
do faithfully
take it lying down / take something lying down
be submissive
to accept (something bad, such as an insult or unfair treatment) without trying to fight against it
He vowed that he would not take the court’s decision lying down
I should feel ashamed if I let myself be struck like that, and took it lying down
talk into
persuade by talking
tide over
touch off
win over
gain support
work off
To get rid of something through effort or work: I started to run two miles a day in order to work off some weight.
OR give vent to
to express (a strong emotion, such as anger) in a forceful and open way He gave vent to his annoyance. She didn’t want to give full vent to her feelings.
wrapped up in
be absorbed / be interested in
write off
harping on
to talk about (a subject) constantly or repeatedly in an annoying way
knocked around
to spend time in (a place) without having a goal or purpose : to wander around (a place) He spent the summer knocking around (in) Europe.
to try to make others believe that someone or something is something other than what the person or thing is: Maurice is trying to pass himself off as a journalist to get admitted to the press conference.
stagger out
To walk or shuffle out (of some place) in an swerving, unsteady manner.
The man staggered out of the room clutching his chest, and I knew immediately he was having a heart attack.
We spent about four hours in the pub before staggering out in a drunken haze.