Protuberancia Nuclis Flashcards
La protuberancia tiene nuclis de quienes nervios craneales (origenes reales)
V - trigemino
VIII - Vestivulo-coclear
IX -Glossofaringeo
X - Vago
XI - accesario
XII - hipoglosso
Que nucleo de trigemino tiene el bulb ? (V)
Nucleo espinal - sensitivo
Que nucleo/s de glossofaringeo tiene el bulb ? (IX)
N. ambiguo (motor)
N. de tracte solitari (sensitiu)
N. Salival inf. (parasimpatic)
Que nucleo de vago tiene el bulb ? (X)
N. ambiguo (motor)
N. de tracte solitari (sensitiu)
N. Dorsal de vago (parasimpatic)
Quin nuclis propios tiene el bulb
- Olivar inf
- N. gracil
- N. cuneat
Which nucleus does the anteorior part of the dorsal column go to? And the posterior part? Why do they split up?
Posterior - Cuneat
Anterior- goll (gracil)
They split up because there is a somatotopic representation
What is the cordon dorsal - lemnisc medial pathway?
Dorsal column -> Fasciculos gracil y cuneat -> fibras arcuadas internas -> lemnisc medial
What are the ascending tracts of the bulb? Are they HL or CL
- Lemnisc Medial - CL (deceussation sensitiva at the bulb level; anterior/posterior and elft/right decussations)
- Lemnisc Trigeminal - CL
- Lemnisc espinal(aka Tracte Espinotalamico) - CL
What are the descending tracts of the bulb? Are they HL or CL. Where do they cross over?
- Tracte piramidal (corticoespinal) - CL; crosses over at the bulb (pyramidal decussation)
- Tracte rubroespinal - CL; mesencephalic decussation - ventral tegmental decussation
- Tracte tectoespinal - CL; mesenphalic decussation - tegmental dorsal