Protozoal Flashcards
Toxoplasma spp.
4-6 um long by ~2 um wide spindle to crescent shaped zoites with pale cytoplasm and a round, eosinophilic pericentral nucleus.
5-9 um long by 2 um wide piriform to elliptical zoites containing a small, round, eosinophilic pericentral nucleus.
2-5 um by 1.5-2 um wide, oval amastigotes with a thin outer membrane surrounding a small area of clear cytoplasm along with a light purple, eccentric, oval shaped nucleus and a smal,l deeply basophlic rod shaped kinetoplast oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the nucleus and typically placed on the side of the nucleus with the greater amount of cytoplasm.
Piroplasms are small, 1-1.5 um signet ring structures found within RBCs; Schizonts found in giant macrophages w/in the tissue (and rarely on blood smears) contain a multitude of developing merozoites. Merozoites will may appear as small deeply basophlic bodies, or larger light purple lobulated globules.