Protozoa - Cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, besnoitiosis of cattle, sarcocystiosis Flashcards
What is the size of a Cryptosporidium oocyst?
A: 1-2 microns
B: 5-8 microns
C: 30-40 microns
D: 100-150 microns
B: 5-8 microns
How can we characterize the host specificity of Cryptosporidia baileyi?
A: Stenoxenous
B: Euryxenous
C: Heteroxenous
D: Zoonotic
B: Euryxenous
What do the oocysts of Cryptosporidia contain?
A: 2 sporocysts
B: 4 sporocysts
C: 8 sporozoites
D: 4 sporozoites
D: 4 sporozoites
What organ is never involved into C. baileyi infection of poultry?
A: Liver
B: Air sacs
C: Intestines
D: Eyes
A: Liver
Which organ is not involved during a C. Bailyei infection of Poultry?
A: Brain
B: Lung
C: Intestine
D: Kidney
A: Brain
How do we detect usually the oocysts of Cryptosporidia in faeces?
A: With flotation
B: With native smear
C: Decantation
D: Sedimentation
A: With flotation
Which animal species can be infected by Toxoplasma gondii?
A: Members of felidae family
B: Many mammals only
C: Many mammals and birds
D: Cats and some other mammals
C: Many mammals and birds
How many sporocysts do the Toxoplasma oocysts have?
A: Two
B: Only one
C: Four
D: Eight
A: Two
What kind of pathological signs can we see on the surface of placenta of
aborted foetus by consequence of Toxoplasma infection?
A: Catarrhal inflammation
B: Necrotic spots
C: Haemorrhages
D: No signs can be seen
B: Necrotic spots
What method is not applicable to detect antibodies against Toxoplasma
A: Polymerase chain reaction
B: Sabin-feldman test
C: Complement fixation test
A: Polymerase chain reaction
Which species of host of Toxoplasma do not abort their foetus during infection?
A: Swine
B: Sheep
C: Cat
D: Humans
C: Cat
What is the size of Toxoplasma cyst that contains tachyzoites?
A: 20-100 microns
B: 5-10 microns
C: 100-200 microns
D: 1-2 microns
A: 20-100 microns
What is the sign that does not appear in the chronic form of Besnoitiosis of
A: Alopecia
B: Itching
C: Skin thickening
D: Wrinkling of skin
B: Itching
What type of Sarcocystis oocyst can be found in fresh faeces?
A: Unsporulated
B: Sporulated
C: Not any can be found in it
D: Unripen
B: Sporulated
What type of Sarcocystis oocyst can be found in fresh faeces?
A: Sporulated form with two sporocysts
B: Unsporulated
C: Not any
D: Sporulated form with four sporocysts
A: Sporulated form with two sporocysts
What is the usual consequence of Sarcocystis in final host animals?
A: Vomitus
B: Mild fever
C: Diarrhoea
D: No clinical signs
D: No clinical signs
What can we usually detect in the faeces during Sarcocystiosis in definite host?
A: Sporocysts
B: Free sporozoites
C: Unsporulated oocysts
D: Not any form of Sarcocystiosis
A: Sporocysts
What is the most frequent clinical form of Sarcocystiosis of the dog?
A: Acute
B: Subacute
C: Chronic
D: Subclinical
D: Subclinical
What animals are susceptible for Besnoitia besnoiti?
A: Cattle
B: Bovines
C: More ssp. of ruminants
D: Wild ruminants
C: More ssp. of ruminants
Which is the method used to detect Cryptosporidium?
A: Gram staining
B: PAS staining
C: Kinyoun staining
D: Iodine staining
C: Kinyoun staining
What method is not used to detect Toxoplasma tachyzoites during infection?
A: Mouse inoculation test
B: Sabin-Fieldman dye test
C: IFAT Staining
D: Tissue Culture
C: IFAT Staining
Which genus has sporulated oocysts with 4 free sporozoites?
Which genus has sporulated oocysts without sporocysts?
What are the characteristics of Cryptosporidium meleagridis oocysts?
5 μm, spherical
Which form is not characteristic of avian Cryptosporidiosis?
Hepatic form (cryptosporidiosis has intestinal, respiratory and renal form)
Host range of Cryptosporidiosis?
Euryxenous (mammals and birds)
Host range of Cryptosporidium baileyi?
Life Cycle of Cryptosporidia parvum?
Which species of Cryptosporidium occurs in birds?
C. baileyi (C. galli, C. meleagridis)
Where is Cryptosporidium mainly found?
Small intestine (Ileum) or abomasum in case of C. muris and C. andersoni
Which bird species are susceptible for C. bailyei infection?
Many species
What is the causative agent of Cryptosporidiosis in mammals?
C. muris (C. parvum, C. andersoni and C. bovis, C. felis, C. canis, C. hominis)
Which parasite are homoxenous but not host specific?
Cryptosporidium parvum
What are the clinical signs for C. baileyi?
Dyspnoea and diarrhoea (also: coughing, sneezing, nasal discharges and conjunctivitis)
What are the characteristics of Cryptosporidium baileyi oocysts?
6-7 μm, oval
What form of Cryptosporidium can be found in fresh faeces?
Oocysts containing 4 sporozoites
Which form of Cryptosporidiosis has the most severe outcome in broilers?
In which location will Cryptosporidium baileyi not establish?
Which is not true?
Toxoplasma oocysts are 5-8 μm (they are 10x12 μm)
Host range of Toxoplasmosis?
Cats, dogs, birds and humans and other mammals
Which symptom does not occur during Toxoplasmosis infection in cats?
How can we characterize the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii?
Facultative heteroxenous
In which animal can we find Toxoplasma oocysts in the faeces?
Cats (maximum 20 days/only for 1-2 weeks)
What kind of host is the cat in Toxoplasma gondii?
Final Host/definitive host
For how long does a cat pass Toxoplasma oocysts in the faeces?
1-2 weeks
Which animals shed oocysts in Toxoplasmosis?
All species of cats as the definitive/final host
What can be found in sporulated oocysts of Toxoplasmosis?
2 sporocysts each containing 4 sporozoites
What is the patency period for Toxoplasmosis?
20 days
Oocyst of Toxoplasma gondii is indistinguishable from that of?
Hammondia hammondi
What is the size of Toxoplasma gondii cyst?
20-100 micrometers
In which species does T. gondii cause necrotic foci and granuloma in liver,
spleen, lungs and brain?
Which clinical sign can be seen in dogs infected by Toxoplasma?
CNS symptoms (along with anorexia, pneumonia and diarrhoea)
What method is not used to detect Toxoplasma tachyzoites during infection?
Sabin-Feldman dye test
Besnoitia besnoiti species are?
Obligatory heteroxenous
Which statement is not true for Besnoitia besnoiti?
It´s most important intermediate host is the cat. It can be transmitted by vectors, the cyst is
visible to the naked eye, develops in the endothel
What type of host of Sarcocystiosis can give the intestinal form of infection?
Final hosts – dog, cat, wild carnivores and man
What is the Sarcocystiosis species of cattle among these following ones?
S. hirsuta
What is the Sacrocystiosis species of sheep among these following ones?
S. gigantean
What can be found in sections of vascular endothelium of heart, kidney etc. in
Groups of merozoites or small schizonts
Intestinal Sarcosporidiosis can occur in?
Dog, cat, wild carnivores and man
Wheat-pea sized and greyish-yellow sarcocysts of … are found in the wall of
S. gigantea (in sheep)
Muscle sarcosporidiosis can be found in?
Sheep, cattle, sheep, swine, horse and rabbit
What does the human need to ingest to get infected with Sarcocystiosis?
Locations of Cryptosporidium spp.:
C. parvum Small intestine (ileum) Ruminants, rodents, humans
C. muris Abomasum / Stomach Rodents, rabbits, ruminants, carnivores, humans (primates)
C. andersoni Abomasum / Stomach Ruminants, humans
Size of Cryptosporidiosis oocyst?
5-6 (-8 inc. mammalian)
Mammalian 5-8 um
What are the characteristics of Cryptosporidium baileyi oocysts?
6-7um, oval
Crpyosporidium infection:
Per os infection. Mainly with water (water-borne).
Aerogen via coughing, dust, or spray.
Which form of Cryptosporidiosis has the most severe outcome in mammals?
C. parvum (due to apoptosis)
Cryptosporidium parvum more likely in:
Immunocompromised animals (opportunism) Giardia (concurrent infection)
Cryptosporidium andersoni in:
Gastric glands of bovine abomasum. Older calves.
Which Cryptosporidium sp./spp. occur(s) frequently in post-weaned or older calves? (MCQ)
C. bovis
C. ryanae
C. andersoni
Which is not characteristic of Avian cryptosporidiosis?
Characteristic: Respiratory, intestinal, renal
Cryptosporidium baileyi not in: (location and host)
True: In chicken (location depends on route of infection)
In which location will Cryptosporidium baileyi not establish?
Which form of Cryptosporidiosis has the most severe outcome in Broilers?
Respiratory form
In which host does Toxoplasmosis play a large role in abortion?
Sheep (In mid-gestation)
Also small ruminants, humans. Sometimes pigs.
Hammondia hammondii is similar to:
Toxoplasma gondii
Which are the routes of infection of Toxoplasma?
Oral – Via meat containing cysts / sporulated oocysts
What kind of meat do humans get Toxoplasma from?
Venison, lamb, and pork mainly. Undercooked meat like deer, pork and lamb.
How do humans get Toxoplasma?
Soil work, unwashed vegetables, oocyst in water, contact with cats
Difference between Neospora and Isospora?
Isospora do not have microcpyle in wall. Isospora oocysts do not have residual or stieda body.
What are potential consequences of Neosporosis in dogs? MCQ
(Neospora is a form of paralysis in dogs, and abortion in cattle)
Poly-radiculo-neuritis (ascending form of hind-limb paralysis)
Dermatitis (generalized form is a disseminated form with pol- or pyogranumatous-ulcerative dermatitis)
Neospora caninum of dogs causes: (final and intermediate host)
When does Neospora caninum cause abortion?
Cows – Abortion between 3rd-7th month of gestation (early foetal death may entail resorption, later causes mummification, autolysis)
Due to tachyzoites (parasitaemia) of the mother. Neospora is a cause of paralysis in dog and abortion in cattle.
What is the characteristic gestation period of Neosporosis related abortion in cows? (intermediate host)
4-6 months
Neospora hughesi causes:
Equine protozoal myelmoencephalitis (EPM)
Who does Hammondiosis affect?
Final Host Dog, fox, coyote (H. heydorni and H. triffittae in canids) , cat (H. hammondi) (Carnivores)
Intermediate Host Ruminants, guinea pigs, mice, deer dogs (Prey species)
Clinical signs of Hammondia spp.:
H. hammondi - Only in intermediate host. Depression, anorexia, myocarditis, death in mouse, rat. Final host no symptoms.
H. heydorni - No clinical signs.
To whom are Hammondia spp. closely related genetically?
Toxoplasma gondii
Hammondiosis causes symptoms in what?
Cat, Dog
Usually sub-clinical in cats. H. heydorni can cause diarrhoea in immuno-compromised dogs.
Which species shed Hammondi cysts?
Cats only, via faeces.
Which species is related to pathological signs in Hammondia?
Mouse – Depression, anorexia, myositis, myocarditis, death.
Besnoitia species are:
Obligatory hetero-xenous (the majority obligatory)
Size of besnoitia cyst?
3- 800 um, visible to the naked eye
What is the direction of spreading bovine Besnoitiosis in Europe?
South-west to east
Besnoitia vector:
Tabanus, Stomoxys (blood-sucking insects transmit mechanically the cystozoites = hetero-xenous)
Where does the Besnoitia cyst occur?
Sclera. Pathognomic. Cysts occur in the sclera (pathognomic), respiratory muscles, genital mucosa.
Endothelium (cystozoites, surrounded by connective tissue reaction). Sclera-derma stage: Dermis, sub-cutaneous tissue (also in the cornea, sclera, conjunctiva, mucosa of respiratory and genital organs, serosal surfaces).
Which statement is not true for Besnoitia besnoiti?
It´s most important intermediate host is the cat. (Intermediate host is cattle, wild ruminants).
True: It can be transmitted by vectors. The cyst is visible to the naked eye. Develops in the endothel.
Which domestic animals have zoonotic Sarcocystis sp./spp.?
Pig, cattle
Pig – S. suihominis Cattle – S. hominis
Ruminants Sarcocystiosis pathogenesis:
Dalmeny disease – General haemorrhages diathesis (petechial and diffuse haemorrhages everywhere)
Haemogregarines characteristics:
Micro- and macro-gamonts develop next to each other
In Klossiella there is:
Free sporocyst to discharge via urine. Sporocyst with 10-15 sporozoites in it.
Which animal is pathogenically affected by Klosseliosis?
Horse (K. equi) and Mouse (K. muris)