Protons Flashcards
What is the rationale for proton therapy?
No exit dose past the TV
Reduce morbidity (including integral dose and second malignancy) - major motivation for paediatric indication
Dose escalation can increase curative treatment options - motivation in adult indications
Why are protons especially beneficial for paediatric patients?
Reduced risk of growth/development problems
Reduced risk of induced cancers
What are the three types of proton interactions?
Coulomb interactions with electrons
Coulomb interactions with nuclei
Non elastic collisions with nuclei
How do protons interact with electrons
Secondary electron(s) released
Proton loses energy but doesn’t change direction
Probability of more interactions is increased. Rate of energy deposition increases.
Produces Bragg peak
What is Bethe-Bloch equation?
S/rho proportional to 1/v^2 . Z/A . z^2
v = Velocity of incident proton
z = Atomic number of incident proton
Z = Atomic number of target nucleus
A = Mass number of target nucleus
What is range of proton defined by?
Initial energy of beam
Range ~ E^2 approx
Where does range straggling come from
Energy loss occurs at a very large number of discrete interactions in medium
Energy loss is statistical process, each proton stops at slightly different range
What is LET
Linear energy transfer, energy transferred per unit distance.
Measure of beam quality
For beam of many protons must be calculated by averaging over all protons
Dependent on proton’s energy (velocity), deposits more as it slows down
How do protons interact with nuclei?
Proton direction is changed
Produces lateral spreading
Has gaussian profile
How do protons interact with nuclei in non elastic way?
May release nuclear fragments
Can no longer identify original proton
Produces halo
What needs to be considered about plotting lateral spread?
Gaussian function gives good fit on linear scale
On logarithmic scale, has parabolic shape due to halo
This can have difference of up to a few percent
What are logistical considerations of having multiple proton accelerators?
Most cost effective approach is to have one accelerator for multiple rooms
Beam can only be delivered to one room at once
3 is optimal
How do cyclotrons work
There is a fixed magnetic field, the alternating electric field between the Ds accelerates the proton beam
Have two semi circular electrodes, Dees, with space between them.
Magnetic circuit, set of coils used to create strong B field perpendicular to Dees. Strong electric field between Dees. Proton injected into space between Dees travels along trajectory radius r. Accelerating E field reverses as proton completes half circle and accelerates it across gap. Radius increases until proton beam ejected from Dees. Single energy produced.
What are the key characteristics of cyclotrons?
Single energy
Stable beam energy
High intensity
Not good for high energies or heavier particles
used in both UK centres
How do synchotrons work?
Magnetic field is adjusted as the protons are accelerated
Electric field in cavity is timed to accelerate proton beam
Ring of cavities. Protons accelerated up to few MeV and then injected into B field of Synchrotron. Bending magnets accelerate protons. These are interspersed with linear focussing sections and RF cavity for acceleration. Acceleration is synchronised with angular frequency of protons. Can produce different energies.
What are the key characteristics of synchrotrons?
Variable output energy
Pulsed beam
Can do higher energies and heavier particles
What are the energies and depths delivered by the ProBeam
70-240MeV, treating up to 35cm, max field size 30x40
What beam is produced and how is the beam shaped?
A mono energetic pencil beam is produced
The beam must be spread and shaped in longitudinal and lateral directions
Scattering or scanning
What makes up a scattering system?
Range modulator for energy spreading
Typically two scattering foils for lateral spreading
Compensator and collimator
Compensator adjusts beam edge, collimator shapes beam laterally
What makes up a pencil beam scanning system
Energy selector (could be done range modulator wheel or shark tooth method)
Steering magnets for steering
What are the advantages and disadvantages of scattering systems
+ dose delivered to entire target simultaneously which is good for moving targets
- longitudinal length of SOBP is fixed, extra dose delivered proximal to target
- field specific hardware is necessary (additional source of neutron dose, manual handling issues, storage and recycling issues, radiation protection issues as they become activated, more difficult to adapt treatments)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of scanning systems
+ improved ability to conform to target
+ no field specific hardware
- treating moving targets could be harder due to interplay
- lateral edge of field less sharp
What is the minimum deliverable proton energy and depth and how is this adjusted
70MeV, 4cm
Use range shifter to treat shallower depth (block of material inserted into beam path and attached to end of nozzle)
How does range shifter impact spot size and how can it be altered
Increased divergence for range shifted spots, as range shifter acts as scatterer. Lateral edge is less sharp.
Spot size depends on air gap between range shifter and patient, reduce this to reduce spot size
How does proton planning differ to photon planning in terms of imaging?
Electron density would no longer be representative of dose, map HU to relative proton stopping power
Uncertainty arises because imaging and treatment uses different particles