Electrons Flashcards
How can electrons interact with matter?
Elastic scattering and soft collisions with atomic electrons (causes direction change and negligible energy loss)
Inelastic collisions with atomic electrons (ionisation and excitation)
Inelastic collisions with nuclei and electrons (brem, characteristic radiation)
What is range straggling?
Electrons with the same initial energy travel to different depths due to different interaction histories
Why is the electron PDD the shape it is?
Initial increase: excitation and ionisation, scattering results in increasing energy deposited in shallow layers of tissue, build up
Electrons lose energy after shallower depths and reach end of range, PDD decreases rapidly
Bremsstrahlung tail
Why are electrons clinically attractive?
High surface dose
Steep dose fall off
What is the 2, 3, 4, 5 rule?
d100 = 2 E0
d90 = 3 E0
d50 = 4 E0
Rp = 5 E0
in mm
What is the therapeutic range?
Depth of distal isodose suitable for treatment
What is the therapeutic interval?
Distance between isodoses suitable for treatment
What is surface dose dependent on?
Beam energy, distance from applicator, use of cutouts
What is shape of isodoses?
Low does isodoses bulge out (due to increased scatter at low energies)
High isodose levels are constricted laterally at depth
What happens to PDD with increasing energy?
Dmax increases (along with R50, Rp)
Gradient of dose fall off decreases
Surface dose increases
X ray contamination level increases
How does field size impact PDD?
Small fields: Dmax shifts towards the surface
Relative surface dose increases
Practical range remains unchanged
Scatter away from CAX reduces dose at depth
What are small field dimensions?
roughly E0 / 2.5
Why do inhomogeneities impact dose?
Scatter is dependent on energy electron, density, and atomic composition of inhomogeneity
Inhomogeneities impact scattering of electrons and change in scattering changes dose deposited
How does bone impact dose?
Higher density than soft tissue
Increased attenuation
Greater scattering per depth in medium
Increased dose in bone
Decreased dose beyond bone
Increased dose adjacent to bone
How does lung/ air impact PDD
Lower attenuation in lung
Lower scattering per linear depth in lung
How do high Z/ high density materials impact dose?
Electrons scattered away from high density/Z materials ot lower density/Z materials
Results in increased electron fluence and dose scatter lobes in lower density or Z materials
How does air cavity impact dose distribution?
Get hot spot immediately beyond cavity
Decrease in dose adjacent to cavity
Increased dose beyond inhomogeneity
How does an oblique beam impact the dose distribution?
The peak dose shifts close to the surface, density of dose deposition near surface increases
How do isodoses change with oblique beam and curved surface?
Oblique beam: isodoses run parallel to surface but direction tilted
Curved surface: isodose curves run parallel to skin surface
How does increasing SSD impact dose distribution?
Penumbra widens
Volume of high dose decreases
How could we deal with surface contour problems?
How does bolus impact dose?
Dose delivered to surface is higher, PDD is effectively shifted close to surface
Therapeutic interval may decrease
Depth of treatment decreases
How can we alter the therapeutic interval?
Alter beam energy
Use thin foils to increase scattered radiation and hence dose
How does the use of scattering foils differ to bolus for changing surface dose?
High Z foils produce same angular scatter change but with less energy loss
Therefore have greater therapeutic interval
Surface dose increases but dose remains high at depth (less energy loss)
What advantages does the use of lead cut outs have?
Spares adjacent normal tissue
Dose homogeneity
Reduces penumbra width
Minimises effect of patient movement
How does using 2x2 cutout in 4x4 field differ to 2x2 field?
Using cutout provides wider more homogeneous field which is more clinically useful
What materials can be used for cutout and what thickness?
Lead, thickness (mm) should be at least = initial energy (MeV)/2
Alloy (eg Cerrobend), thickness (mm) = Lead thickness 1.2
Often use standard thickness of 1cm
When might distal shielding be used?
To protect underlying normal tissue
When treating lips, cheeks, ears..
What is a potential downside of using an internal shield?
Get backscatter upstream of the shielding, increases dose to tissue being treated close to shield
How can we decrease impact of scatter with internal shield?
Coat in wax: attenuates low energy photons and also protects patient tissue from Lead