Protista Flashcards
Exam 1
make their own food
they obtain organic molecules synthesized by other organisms
soak up things by secreting enzymes, then taking them into the cell membrane
Plant like
Animal Like
Cilia, pseudopod, flagella, sessile
How can we classify eukaryotes?
Movement, Nutrition, Plantlike or Animal like, genetics
Clade: Viridiplantae
Phylum: Chlorophyta
Has zooids that have two flagella movement.
Zygote is more resistant phase
Asexual: daughter colony escapes.
Sexual: Has male/female structures to produce zygote
Phylum Diplomonada
very primitive group because they lack mitochondria and golgi bodies. Ex. Giardia lamblia .
Humans injest the cyst by drinking infected water. Grows into a trophozoite in the small intestine. Munches on the mucus on the vili. Results in explosive Diarrhea because of the loss of absorption. Has two nuclei and a axostyle for stability
Phylum Euglenozoa
Contains C. Phytoflagellates and C. kinetoplastids
Have a stigma that is light sensitive, a pellicle, and a paramylon granule (used for storing starch). The flagella is anchored by basal bodies. Has a contractile vacuole.
C. Kinetoplastic
Flagella is anchored along the cell surface (Undulating Membrane).
Ex. Trypanosoma brucei (Causes sleeping sickness). T. Cruzi causes Chaga’s disease.
Trypanosoma brucei
Kinetoplastid vector: tsetse fly. Typansome in saliva of fly injected into host, host develops chacre and lymph nodes swell. The parasite will live in the bloodstream. and will be taken in by another fly. Has antigen shifting
Clade Stramenopiles
Have hairy flagella, Diatoms, brown algae
Phylum Amoebazoa
The are single celled. Have ectoplasm, endoplasm, move by pseudopods, contractive vacuole, some have testate, reproduce by binary fission, some are parasitic
Phylum Cercozoa
Heliozoans, have modified psuedopods, axopods,
Phylum Foramifera
Have long thin reticulopodia, made the cliffs of dover
Clade Alveolata
They have an alveoli, which are sac like structures. They are different under electron microscopes.
Clade/Phylum Apicomplexa
Endoparasitic, they have an apical complex. Malaria is included in this.
Plasmodium vivax
Part of the apicomplexa, vector is the female mosquito. It has a sexual and asexual life cycle. The vector is the mosquito (Anopheles). It has a sexual and asexual life cycle. Learn it!
Phylum Dinoflagellata
They have shells made out of cellulose and have two flagellas. They cause red tide, toxins that is highly damaging to fish and other marine life.
Ex. Pfysteria
Clade Alveolata Phylum Ciliophora
The body is covered in cilia that beat in a coordinated manner. Has an undulating membrane formed from fused cilia. Food comes into the gullet.
A temporary union, the macronucleus disintegrates and the micronucleus of each individual undergoes meiosis, producing four haploid micronuclei, only one makes it, this one divides into two haploid pronuclei, one is exchanged in each conjugate. They fuse to restore diploid number.