protista 4 Flashcards
toxoplasma taxonomy
kingdom- protistis class- sar- eukaryotes order- alveolata family- apicomplexa group- conoidasida
toxoplasma life cycle
facultative heteroxenous life cycle (can be single host or multiple)
toxoplasma gondii intermediate host
- birds
- rodents
- pigs
- sheep
toxoplasma gondii final host
- cat
- human
toxoplasma gondii life cycle
- Unsporulated oocysts shed in cat feces -> Sporulate in environ & become infective -> Intermediate hosts (birds, rodents) ingest contaminated soil, water, plants -> Transform into tachyzoites after ingestion -> Become tissue cyst bradyzoites in neural & muscle tissue -> Cats ingest intermediate hosts and get infected or can also get infected by directly ingesting oocysts from environ
- Pigs & sheep can also ingest cysts in environ then infect ppl
toxoplasma gondii transmission cat
Oocysts shed in feces of cats that can cause enteric infection & oocyst production in other cats or infect other vertebrates causing visceral infection w/ small cysts
toxoplasma gondii transmission from environment/ medical
- Ppl can ingest oocysts from soil, vegetables, undercooked meat, blood transfusion & transplants
toxoplasma gondii transmission pregnancy
- Mothers only transmit to fetus if being infected for very first time while pregnant
toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted in what ways broadly
- cat -> cat/ other vertebrate
- oocysts in soil/ veggies/ undercooked meat/ blood transfusion and transplants -> ppl
- pregnant mother -> fetus
toxoplasma gondii organ effected
-neuro and muscle cysts
toxoplasma gondii organ effected ppl
- tissue cysts in skeletal muscle, myocardium, brain, eyes
toxoplasma gondii dx newborn
Severe disease to newborn infants infected in utero (miscarriage, hydro-cephalus, blindness, mental disability)
toxoplasma gondii chronic infection
- Chronic infection w/ bradyzoites (asymp-tomatic)
toxoplasma gondii acute dx
- Acute disease w/ multiple tachyzoites after first exposure (flu like symptoms)
toxoplasma gondii re-crudence
- Re- crudescence (reactivation of bradyzoites into tachyzoites )
toxoplasma gondii dx general
- severe dx to newborn
- chronic infection
- acute dx
- re-crudescence
toxoplasma gondii location
everywhere there are cats
toxoplasma gondii infection and timing of pregnancy
transmission to fetus less common when infection occurs early in pregnancy but damage to fetus is greater the earlier in pregnancy It occurs
toxoplasma gondii frequency of spread from mother to fetus
- just as common as his, cystic fibrosis, ect from mom to fetus
Neospora taxonomy
kingdom- protistis class- sar- eukaryotes order- alveolata family- apicomplexa group- conoidasida
toxoplasma gondii taxonomy
kingdom- protistis class- sar- eukaryotes order- alveolata family- apicomplexa group- conoidasida
neospora caninum taxonomy
kingdom- protistis class- sar- eukaryotes order- alveolata family- apicomplexa group- conoidasida
neospora caninum final hosts
dogs/ other canids
neospora caninum intermediate host
neospora canunum final and intermediate host in the wild
coyotes are final host and deer are intermediate host in wild
neospora caninum transmission
dogs ingest tissue cysts in beef then pass oocyts in their feces
neospora caninum dx
- abortion in cattle
- if not aborition chronically infected calf that can then pass dx when they’re pregnant
- neuro dx in dogs (posterior flaccid paralysis in puppies)
neospora caninum tx
clindamycin helps w/ clinical signs but does not get rid of parasite in dogs
neospora hughesi taxonomy
kingdom- protistis class- sar- eukaryotes order- alveolata family- apicomplexa group- conoidasida
neospora hughesi host
hepatozoon taxonomy
kingdom- protistis class- sar- eukaryotes order- alveolata family- apicomplexa group- conoidasida
hepatozoon lifecycle
- sexual replication in gut of tick -> production of oocyts with infective sporozoites
- dogs infected by ingesting tick or eating paratenic host
hepatozoon transmission
tick infected by taking blood meal that has neuts and monocytes harboring parasitic gamonts
hepatozoon dx
dogs have schizonts in various tissues then gamonts finally go to wbcs
hepatozoon canis taxonomy
kingdom- protistis class- sar- eukaryotes order- alveolata family- apicomplexa group- conoidasida
hepatozoon canis intermediate host
hepatozoon canis final host
rhipicephalus sanguines (brown dog tick) final host
hepatozoon canis life cycle
Tick ingests leukocytes containing gamonts -> Sexual repro, zygotic meiosis, sporogony in tick -> Intermediate hosts (dogs) ingest ticks -> Oocysts rupture, release sporocysts that excyst in presence of bile, releasing infectious sporozoites -> Invade host cells
hepatozoon canis organ effected
subclinical infections, gammons usually found in peripheral blood
hepatozoon canis location
hepatozoon canis meronts
seen in mult organs of body not seen in dogs in us
hepatozoon americanum taxonomy
kingdom- protistis class- sar- eukaryotes order- alveolata family- apicomplexa group- conoidasida
hepatozoon americanum final host
amblyomma maculate (gulf coast tick)
hepatozoon americanum intermediate hosts
hepatozoon americanum paratenic hosts
rodens w/ cystozoites
hepatozoon americanum reserviours
hepatozoon americanum life cycle
-> Merogony (asexual multiplication) -> Meronts mature, rupture, give rise to gamonts that circulate in blood -> Ingested by ticks
hepatozoon americanum alt pathway to ingestion
- Paratenic host can instead ingest the tick then dogs eat the paratenic host
hepatozoon americanum dx
- severe dx in dogs
- marked neutrophilic leukocytosis, significant joint pain from periosteal proliferation
- sometimes hurts so much they don’t eat and die of starvation
hepatozoon americanum location
united states
hepatozoon americanum necropsy
onion skin schizonts when examine muscle tissue on necropsy
hepatozoon americanum txs
no effective treatments but anti-parasitics should be used