Protein Synthesis by mRNA translation Flashcards
In which direction is the polypeptide chain growing?
N -> C
What type of amino acids form the core?
Neutral, hydrophobic amino acids
Which amino acids form salt bridges?
Acidic bases
Which amino acids can form disulfide bridges?
Bacterial ribosome
70S (50S,16S)
Eukaryotic ribosome
80S (60S, 40S)
What is the function of the large subunit in the ribosome?
Peptide bond formation, peptidyl transferase center
What is the function of the small subunit in the ribosome?
Decoding interaction, find shine-dalgarno seq (bacterial), mRNA binding site
GTPase, brings the aa-tRNA. Hydrolysis of GTP makes EF-Tu release aa-tRNA in A-site. Also masks amino acid in tRNA so it doesnt react
Guides translocation of ribosome, also GTPase.
What is wobble base-pairing
Third codon doesnt have to have correct watson-crick pairing
Important sites of tRNA
Acceptor arm with exposed 3’ end (CCA) which is the amino acid attachment site
anticodon loop - basepairs to mRNA
How does charging work?
Addition of AMP to tRNA by aatRNA synthase provides the high energy bond needed to create an ester linkage between AMP-tRNA and aa-tRNA
aa tRNA synthase
Two classes depending which OH (2’ or 3’) they primarily attach aa group to. Has hydrolytic editing as proofreading; incorrect aa moves to editing site
Protein synthesis initiation in bacteria
Shine-Dalgarno seq upstream of start codon. IF3 binds to E site in small subunit. IF2, IF1 and GTP binds to A-site, mRNA, f-Met to P-site. IF3 leaves so that large subunit can dock (IF2 in GTP form as signal to large subunit), IF2 hydrolyse and leave with IF1.
Small initiation factor that help IF2 and 3. Blocks A-site.