Protein purification (Dr. Miles TAMU) Flashcards
Steps for protein purfication
- protein source
- Lysing the cells
- Assay
What are the 4 different ways for lysing cells
- hypotonic solution
- Sonication
- French press
- Lysozyme
How do we lyse open animal tissues
By osmotic lysis, by placing cells in hypotonic solution, the osmotic pressure forces water into the cells causing them to swell and rupture
Ultra high frequencies of sound breaks open cell walls.
French Press
Uses high pressure to force cells through a pinhole opening the sheer causes the cells to lyse open.
Enzyme that breaks down bacteria’s cell walls.
Two steps in lysing cells
- is actually lysing the cell
- Centrifuge down the cell debris
What is used to centrifuge done proteins
Serine and cystine proteases degrade proteins so inhibitors are added
Salt fraction steps
- Salting in: The solubility f the protein increases as the salt concentration is raised
- Salting out: proteins solubility decreases as the salt concentration increases
Column Chromatography
Takes advantage of charge, size, binding affinity, polarity
- Protein containing solution will stay on top
- I twill form bands based of each protein
Size exclusion chromatography
-Also called gel filtrations
- Gel will separate proteins based on their size
- Bigger proteins(heavy) will elute faster than smaller proteins (light) according to their weight
Ion exchange chromatography
Difference in size and magnitude of the net electric charges of proteins at a given pH
- in cations, the positives will stay at the top and negative charges will fall faster
- in anion, the negatives will stay at the top and the positives will fall faster
Affinity Chromatography
Ligand will form to the protein of interest causing it to fall slowly through the chromatography while everything else will fall faster
Separates molecules based on size according to the permeable membrane
- This is a way of removing ammonium sulfate after a salt fractions or for changing from one buffer to another
Determines the number of proteins present and estimate the purity of their proteins
- Allows determination of molecular weight a pI
Detergent that denatures proteins into rods
- binds through hydrophobic interactions in ratio of 1 SDS per amino acid
- Separates solely based on weight
Proteins will keep migrating till when
where the pH equals the proteins isoelectric point where there will be no net charge