Protein Metabolism And Reccommendations For Exercise Flashcards
ADMR for protein
1-3 years: 5-20%
4-18: 10-30%
19+: 10-35%
What are the consequences of optimal protein in sport performance (is 0.8g/kg BW/day enough?)
- Increased lean muscle mass
- optimal function of metabolic pathways
- replacing protein loss due to oxidation during endurance training
- optimal immune function to handle training load
- stimulating protein synthesis and repair
Is 0.8g/kg BW/day enough for optimal sport performance?
Dietary protein intake necessary to support metabolic adaptations, repair, remodeling and protein turnover ranges
From 1.2-2.0g/kg BW/day
When is the higher end of 1.2-2.0 indicated
For short periods of increased training intensities, acute injury or when energy is reduced to prevent fat free muscle loss
What is necessary for optimal protein use and performance
Energy intake sufficient to maintain body weight
Old recommendations for protein for athletes
- strength trained and high intensity training were on higher end of 1.2-2 except during maintenance
- endurance were on lower end
New guidelines for protein should be individualized and based on
- periodized training and nutrition program
- timing between training
- optimal training adaptation to specific sessions
- athlete training status (high trained may require less)
- athletes training goals
- body comp goals
Food choices/nutrient needs - daily energy considerations
Protein intake during exercise may cause
- Delay onset of fatigue (improve time to exhaustion trial but not consistent for performance)
- less muscle damage during session
- based on tolerance of athlete
If fuel needs are met (via CHO intake)
Additional protein intake may not improve performance
- often causes GI upset
Intake of protein pre or during allows for
Post exercise muscle protein synthesis rates to be elevated more rapidly
Due to increase AA availability to muscle during early recovery
Protein for strength/resistance training
Protein serves as both a substrate and a trigger for adaptation after both resistance and aerobic exercise
Protein intake during resistance training?
- providing body with AA during exercise may increase muscle protein synthesis and suppress breakdown
- athlete tolerance
What is ideal dosage of protein for strength/resistance training
20-25g every 3hr
Ideal for max muscle protein synthesis
Above this dosage= increased AA oxidation
What does exercise do to muscle protein synthesis
Increases MPS
4 goals post workout
- Rehydration (based on sweat losses) and replace electrolyte losses
- Restoration of muscle glycogen (CHO)
- Restoration/repair to damaged protein/muscle tissue
- Start the remodelling process (create anabolic environment)
How much CHO:protein
3-4g: 1g protein
What does aerobic exercise stimulate
Synthesis of mitochondria and oxidative enzymes
What does resistance exercise promote
Synthesis of contractile muscle proteins
Protein consumed after exercise will
Provide amino acids for building and repair of muscle tissue