Protein Coagulation Flashcards
what is the best course of action for dealing with instruments with blood or biological matter
the best course of action is to have the shortest amount of time between use and processing
Any blood or biological matter still present can start to dry in and adhere to the surface of the instrument
what are major factors to consider in decontamination
- Time
- Temperature
- Water
- Chemicals
- Energy
what is the sinner circle
It shows the 4 key elements that are required for a successful cleaning process
- chemicals
- energy
- time
- temperature
If we decrease or increase any of the quarters we will impact what percentage they play within the process
what water is recommended for the disinfection stage
for disinfection stage water of less than 30µs is recommended in reference to conductivity
what can water pick up as it travels in rivers etc
• Minerals
○ Calcium
○ Potassium
• Silicates
○ Sand
○ Glass
○ Rock
• Organics
○ Vegetation
○ Colloidal particle
• Metals ○ Iron ○ Zinc ○ Tin Mercury
what is the measure of the stuff in the water called
The measure of this is called conductivity
Also referred to as TDS (total dissolved solids)
what is the unit for conductivity
The unit of measurement is µs (micro-siemens)
can we use tap water for sterilisation
we must use pure water
We cannot use standard tap water because of the particulate within the water as this can have a detrimental impact and leave residue on the surface of the instruments
what is pure water
Pure water refers to: distilled De-ionised Reverse osmosis Sterile
Pure water has had nearly all of the particulate filtered out or removed and has very low levels of bacterial and fungal presence
Gives a lower measurement on the conductivity meter eg 4.3µs / micro-siemens
what does enzymatic detergents do
breaks protein down into smaller particles
how is the chemical molecuule within detergents designed
• The chemical molecule within detergents is designed to have hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends
○ One end repels water and the other is attracted to it
The hydrophobic end never contacts water because of the repulsion ~ this is where the contamination is drawn to and then flushed away as the hydrophilic end attaches to water molecules
what is the energy in manual cleaning
scrubbing brush
where does the energy come from in the utlrasonic bath
In the ultrasonic bath the force comes from high frequency sound waves causing cavitation
where does the energy come from in the washer-disinfector
The WD use a high pressure (1-1.5 bar) water jet or spray
○ Note: the WD is generally the least ferocious so we supplement the process with stronger chemicals
what is the best method for highest energy
So because the force we can generate within the WD is less than we would be able to exert using a scrubbing brush or with the ultrasonic process that is when we tend to use the more powerful chemicals (the high alkalines) as it in an enclosed process as well meaning that the chamber is shut and generally the operator won’t have to come into contact with the water and the chemicals
what temperature is needed to prevent protein coagulating
<35 degrees C
what is the time and temperature for steam sterilisation
134-137○C for 3 mins minimum
what is the time and temperature for thermal disinfection
90-95˚ for 1 minute, minimum
what water is used, what temperature, for how long, with what chemicals, using what energy for manual cleaning
water: tap water
temperature: less than 35
time: dependent on operator allocation
chemicals: pH neutral or enzymatic detergent
energy: scrubbing with brush
what water is used, what temperature, for how long, with what chemicals, using what energy for ultrasonic
water: tap water used to fill the bath
temperature: less than 35
time: dependent on validated cycle time (20 mins)
chemicals: pH neutral or enzymatic detergent
energy: ultrasonic sound waves
what water is used, what temperature, for how long, with what chemicals, using what energy for washer-disinfector
water: cleaning stage can use standard tap water
temperature: dependent on chemical validated with process (<65)
time: dependent on validated cycle time (55 mins)
chemicals: low alkaline or high alkaline detergent
energy: water jet / spray
what water is used, what temperature, for how long, with what chemicals, using what energy for thermal disinfection
water: to be at conductivity lower than <30us
temperature: between 90-95
time: minimum hold time of 1minute
chemicals: must be free from all chemicals
energy: water jet / spray
what water is used, what temperature, for how long, with what chemicals, using what energy for steam sterilisation
water: pure water
temperature: between 134-137
time: minimum hold time of 3 mins
chemicals: free from all chemicals
energy: steam heat energy