Protection Of Env Under IL Flashcards
Some general principles
- No state has the right to use their territory in such a way as to cause harm to territory of another ( TRAIL SMELTER CASE Usa vs Canada) (corfu channel case)
- Principle of balancing env protection with development- Rio declaration principle 2,3 + pulp mills on river Uruguay case
- Precautionary principle- shouldn’t be delayed sighting lack of scientific evidence ( principle 15 of Rio)
- Polluter pay principle - Rio principle 16, rhine arbitration- where France had to pay compensation to Netherlands due to emissions from FRENCH ALSACE POTTASSIUM MINES
- Principle of common heritage and common concern of humankind . Convention on biological diversity
- Sustainable dev - principle 3,4 of Rio
- Principle of non discrimination- within their jurisdiction and abroad - convention on EIA in a transboundary context
- States to immediately inform other states of possible risks because of accident in their territory ( post Chernobyl)
- Common but differentiated- principle 7 of Rio
Marine env
- Unclos
- Marpol adopted by imo
- Int convention on civil liablity for oil pollution damage ( ship owner liable)
- London convention - prohibits dumping of waste at sea
Monitoring mechanism for promoting or ensuring compliance
- Periodic reports
- Onsite inspections
- Non complaince procedure- advanced type- 1987 montreal protocol that depletes ozone layer
- Collecting data - GEMS - global env monitoring system
Difficulties in holding states accountable
- Difficulty in provinng causal link between culpable activity and harm. Ex: pulp mills on river Uruguay case
- Difficult to identify author of env harm particularly in case of long range pollution
- Most cases MNC, individuals- still unclear whether states can be held accountable
- The assessment of damage prove to be extremely difficult and complicated in view of numerous factors that should be taken into account
1972 stockholm key
2- protection of env for present and future generations
4- economic development balanced with nature conservation
24- intl matters pertaining to env should be handled in cooperative spirit
25- intl org dynamic role
21- states can exploit their resources but sholdnt harm another
Rio 1992
3- inter generational equity 4- development balance env 7- cbrd. Cooperation 15- precautions 16- polluter pay 18- immediately notify other
Sustainable development
- First mooted by 1972 stockholm convention. Later final shape by brutland commission report - meeting the development needs of present generation without compromising on the needs of future
- Rio declaration, rio+10 in Johannesburg also refers to the same
- Strength lies in recognising the intersection of env and economic. Aims to create a workable solution
- Key principles
- inter generational and intra
- refer dig - Icj propounded it in GABeikovo - NAGYMAROS case
- Wto appellate body approved this concept when us banned shrimp from countries not using turtle exclusion device
- Vellore forum case - the concept of SD- provides the best answer to the problem as to how to balance environment and development
- Concrete - when unga formally articulated 30 agenda which has 17 sdg goals ( based on the future we want document of rio + 20) Monitored by un high level political forum under unesco