Prostate & Testes Flashcards
MC nondermatological malignancy in males
Prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma)
MCC of cancer-related death in males
- Lung
- Prostate
Typical location/zone of prostate that cancer develops
Peripheral zones
RFs for prostate cancer
- Age - Most important (31-40) < (81-90)
- Prostatitis
- FHx of prostate cancer
- High fat diet
Sxs of Prostate cancer
- Asymptomatic (early bc of peripheral location)
- Urinary retention
- Weak urine flow
- Frequency
- Hesitancy
MC site of prostate cancer metastasis
Bone (Vertebrae) –> Pain & Fractures
Tx of non-metastatic prostate cancer
- External beam radiation
- Brachytherapy (radioactive seed implants)
Tx of extensive prostate cancer
Radical Prostatectomy - retropubic, perineal, laparoscopic or robotic
MC complications of radical prostatectomy
Impotence & Incontinence
Tx of metastatic prostate cancer
- GnRH agonist - Leuprolide
- Androgen receptor antagonist- Flutamide, Bicalutamide
- Chemotherapy (not very effective)
Tx of prostate cancer in older men
Observation - slow growing
Monitoring Prostate treatment
Screening for Prostate cancer
- PSA - large or acute change
- DRE - asymmetrical, nodular, indurated
- Abnormal –> Biopsy (ALWAYS) - Alkaline phosphatase- elevated when the cancer has invaded
- Controversy — Case based — 40-50 years — PSA & DRE
Definite diagnosis of prostate cancer
Needle core biopsy guided by transrectal ultrasound
- CT for extent & treatment
RFs for BPH
Increasing age (>50)
MC location of BPH
Peri-urethral/ transition zone –> Obstruction
Sxs of BPH
- Hesitancy
- Weak urine stream
- Frequency
- Urgency
- Dysuria
- Nocturia
Relation of BPH & Prostate cancer
BPH doesnt predispose to cancer
Diagnostic workup of BPH
- History
- Physical
- DRE - uniform, enlarged, rubbery - Mild PSA elevation
Complications of untreated BPH from urinary obstruction
- B/l hydronephrosis
- Bladder diverticula & smooth muscle hypertrophy
- Infection - urine stasis
- Infarction - painful, enlarged, firm gland w. increased PSA
Tx of BPH
Behavior modification
1. Avoid liquids before bed
2. dec. caffeine & alcohol
3. Double voiding to completely empty bladder
1 Mild- moderate –> Alpha blocker (Tamsulosin, terazosin)
2. Severe –> alpha blocker + 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor (Finasteride)
Tx of Refractory BPH
TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate)
Transurethral needle ablation (cant undergo surgery)
Recommended studies to evaluate pts. w. lower UT symptoms
- Urinalysis - Infection or blood
- Serum PSA
SxS of testicular torsion
- Acute testicular/ abdo pain
- N&V
- High-riding testicle w/ horizontal line
- Absent cremasteric reflex
RFs for testicular torsion
- Adolescent or puberty –> Hormonal change –> Inc testicular weight
- Vigorous exercise
- “Bell Clapper” deformity- b/l defect in processus vaginalis –>inadequate anchoring of testis to posterior scrotal wall –> testes hang freely & horizontally
Cremasteric reflex
Superficial reflex –> stroking of superomedial thigh –> cremasteric muscle contraction–> testis elevation
Sensory & motor innervation of Genitofemoral nerve
Diagnosis of testicular testis
- Clinical
- Color doppler US of scrotum –> Dec perfusion
Tx of testicular torsion
- Emergent b/l orchiopexy w/i 4-6 hours
- Manual detorsion –> Surgery
- Med –> Lat then Lat –> Med
Appendix testis/ Epididymis torsion
- Children (7-12)
- Palpable nodule 1/ blue dot
- Intact cremasteric reflex
- Normal or Inc perfusion on doppler
- Supportive treatment - analgesia, rest, ice
- Spontaneous recovery in 1-2 weeks
MC solid malignancy in males 15-35 years
Testicular cancer
RFs for testicular cancer
- Cryptorchidism
- Testicular cancer in c/l testicle
- Klinefelter syndrome
How does correction of Cryptorchidism affect the risk of testicular cancer?
Doesn’t remove risk - allows for better surveillance
Classification & types of testicular cancer
- Germinal cell tumors
a. Seminoma
b. Non-seminoma
- Embryonal
- Yolk sac
- Choriocarcinoma
- Teratoma - Stromal cell tumors
- Leydig cell
- Sertoli cell - Testicular lymphoma
CFs of testicular cancer
- Weight loss
- Pain in lower abdomen, perineum or scrotum
- Gynecomastia
- Hyperthyroidism
Symptoms of testicular metastasis
- Lings - cough, dyspnea
- Bones- pain
- Iliac or caval veins - obstruction –> leg swelling
- GI - N&V, hemorrhage
Lab. investigation for diagnosis of testicular cancer
US- hypoechoic intratesticular mass
Test to determine histology & extent
- CT/MRI of abdo & pelvis
- Serum tumor markers
- Radical inguinal orchiectomy - definite diagnosis & treatment
- Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
What test should never be performed in suspected testicular cancer?
- Trans-scrotal biopsy
- Trans-scrotal orchiectomy
- can cause local recurrence and/or metastasis
Important tumor markers in testicular cancer
- B-hCG –> Embryonal & Choriocarcinoma
- AFP –> Yolk sac
Measure markers before and after treatment
Treatment of testicular cancer
Early stage seminomas
- Orchiectomy +/- Chemo & radiation
Early stage non-seminomas
- Orchiectomy +/- chemo & radiation + Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
Common Chemotherapy used in testicular cancer (BEP)
Platinum-containing – Cisplatin
MC type of testicular cancer in males >50
Testicular lymphoma
Cystic structure containing sperm within the epedidymis
SxS of Spermatocele
- Painless scrotal swelling - asymptomatic
- Palpable mass separate from testis
- Transilluminates
Tx of Spermatocele
- Support
- Excision if symptomatic
Dilation of pampiniform veins that surround the spermatic cord
Causes of Varicocele
- Blockage of Left spermatic vein as it enters the left renal vein
- Inc venous pressure
Symptoms of Varicocele
- Asymptomatic
- Scrotal swelling
- Aching scrotal pain
- Sense of fullness in scrotum
- Testicular atrophy
Worse with standing; better by lying down
PE of Varicocele
- “Bag of worms”
- Inc in size w/ Valsalva
- Dec in size when supine
- NO transillumination
Management of Varicocele
Surgery if:
1. Dec sperm count
2. B/l
3. Pain
Complication of Varicocele
- Testicular atrophy
- Hypogonadism <– Inc scrotal temp
Collection of peritoneal fluid between the visceral & parietal layers of tunica vaginalis
Types of Hydrocele
- Communicating
- Develops from closure defect of processus vaginalis - Non-communicating
- Local secretion of fluid
- Closed processus vaginalis –> No fluid in abdominal cavity
Symptoms of Hydrocele
- Painless scrotal swelling
- Scrotal fullness
- Worsening throughout the day
PE findings of Hydrocele
- Transillumination
- Com - Inc in size with standing or Valsalva
- NC- No dec or change in size
Diagnosis of hydrocele
- Palpation
- Transillumination
- US
Management of Hydrocele
Surgery - symptomatic or present >1 year
How does spermatocele affect fertility?
No effect