Prostate Cancer - Early Detection Flashcards
Screening process
Shared decision making PSA
REPEAT if high
+/- validated risk calculators
+/- MRI
+/- adjunct urine/serum markers
What age can PSA screening start?
Age 45-50 normally
Age 40-45 if increased risk (black, germline mutations like BRCA, strong FMHx)
PSA screening interval
every 2-4 years for people age 50-69
Clinicians ___ use DRE along PSA
Should PSA velocity trigger more workup?
Not alone
Does a template biopsy need to be performed at the time of a targeted biopsy?
High risk for cancer and neg MRI management?
systematic biopsy
When can biopsy be skipped?
PSA >50, no clinical concerns for infection, “significant risk” or need for prostate cancer treatment is urgent
What should trigger repeat biopsy?
Risk assessment tool
do NOT use PSA threshold alone
Consider biomarkers
NOT one core HGPIN
How many needle passes per target lesion on MRI?
At least two per lesion
How many people with elevated PSA will have a normal level with a retest?
What increases PSA?
NOT bike
10% change with ejaculation
PSA half life
3 days
Age thresholds for PSA
2.5 for men in 40s
3.5 for men in 50s
4.5 for men in 60s
6.5 for men in 70s
Definition for strong family history
brother or father or two other male relatives with:
-diagnosis <60
-lethal prostate cancer
-metastatic prostate cancer
FMHx for Lynch cancers
General steps for transrectal prostate biopsy
Discuss risks and benefits
Obtain informed consent
Consider checking for FQR
Stop anticoagulation
Antibiotics - fluoroquinolone, FQ + 1/2/3cephalosporin, aminoglycoside, amikacin, fosfomycin
Register MRI if appropriate
Assess prostate volume
Prostatic block
Biopsy with 2 cores per container/per target
Avoid TZ
Risks of prostate biopsy
Transient ED
Prostate cancer clinical T staging
T1 - nonpalpable
-T1a incidental finding in <5% of tissue resected
-T1b incidental finding in >5% of tissue
-T1c identified on needle biopsy
T2 - palpable within prostate
-T2a half of one side or less
-T2b one whole side
-T2c both sides
T3 - extraprostatic tumor that is not fixed
-T3a extraprostatic extension
-T3b invades seminal vesicles
T4 Fixed or invades rectum or bladder or pelvic wall
Prostate cancer pathological T staging
NO pT1!
T2 organ confied
T3 extraprostatic extension
-T3a EPE or microscopic bladder neck involvement
-T3b invades SVs
T4 fixed, invades sphincter, rectum
Add R1 if margin
Prostate cancer N staging
N0 none
N1 regional nodes
Prostate cancer M staging
M0 none
M1 distant
-M1a nonregional LNs
-M1b Bone
M1c Other sites with or without bone disease
GGG system
1 = 6 = 3+3
2 = 7 = 3+4
3 = 7 = 4+3
4 = 8 = 4+4, 3+5, 5+3
5 = 9/10
Very low risk CaP requirements
PSA <10
<3 cores positive with <50% each
PSAD <0.15
Low risk CaP requirements
cT1c-cT2a (on biopsy or DRE)
PSA <10
Can a palpable nodule on DRE be very low risk CaP?
Intermediate prostate cancer
No high or very high risk features
1 or more: cT2b-cT2c (very palpable), GG2-3, PSA 10-20
Favorable intermediate risk prostate cancer
No high risk or very high risk features
GG1 or 2
1+ of these: cT2b-cTc, <50% cores positive
Unfavorable intermediate risk prostate cancer
No high risk or very high risk features
GGG3 OR >50% of cores with cancer OR (PSA 10-20 and cT2b-cT2c)
High risk prostate cancer
No very high risk features
cT3 OR GGG4/5 OR PSA >20
Very high risk prostate cancer
cT3b-cT4 OR
2+ high risk features OR
>4 cores with GG4/5
Risk of prostate cancer with PIRADs4
58% any cancer
37% clinically significant prostate cancer
Risk of prostate cancer with PIRADs5
85% any prostate cancer
70% clinically significant prostate cancer
Optional biomarkers for prostate cancer
Free PSA
4K score
Management of focal HGPIN
Surveillance - do not rush to repeat biopsy
Management of ASAP/AIP
Further workup (MRI, repeat biopsy, biomarkers)
What should be done before repeat biopsy?
MRI if not already done
SHARE framework
Seek participation
Help explore options
Assess values
Reach decision
Evaluate decision
Risks of TRUSBx and frequency
Infection 5%
Hospitalization 1-3%
Hematuria 50%
Hematospermia 50%
LUTS 6-25%
ED <1%
Most common organism causing infection after PNBx
FQR E. coli
Fluoroquinolone mechanism
Targets gyrase - reduces DNA replication
How common is FQR?
Risk factors for PNBx infection
Significant comorbidities
Prior sepsis
More biopsy cores?
Recent travel or antibiotics
Known FQR
Treatment of copious BRBPR after TRUSBx
Tampon or Foley in the rectum
Bedrest, admission
Endoscopic epinephrine
Hemostatic agents
Gensurg/IR consult