Prospectus_Flashcards (1)
What is the definition of a prospectus?
A document issued as a prospectus including any notice, circular, advertisement, or invitation offering securities to the public.
What is the purpose of a prospectus?
- Provides information to the public.
- Helps investors decide whether to invest in the company.
When can a prospectus be issued?
Any time after incorporation but before the expiry of the prospectus.
What is a shelf prospectus?
A single offering document allowing multiple offerings within a prescribed time and conditions.
What is a supplement to a shelf prospectus?
Issued when there are changes in disclosures or information in the shelf prospectus.
Who can approve a prospectus?
- Approved by the Commission.
- Cleared by the stock exchange where securities are listed.
What are exceptions to the approval requirement for a prospectus?
- Securities by the State Bank of Pakistan.
- Private offerings or placements.
- Shares issued as specie dividends.
- Securities for members or employees.
- Bonus shares.
What is the validity of an approved prospectus?
- Valid for 60 days from approval.
- Shelf prospectus may have extended validity.
What are the filing requirements for a prospectus?
- File a copy with the Registrar on or before publication.
- Signed by all directors or proposed directors.
What content must a prospectus include?
Must include prescribed information and reports as per Public Offering Regulations, 2017.
What is the purpose of listing risk factors in a prospectus?
- Highlights potential risks.
- Ensures investors are aware before making decisions.
What are the publication requirements for a prospectus in newspapers?
- Publish in full or abridged form.
- In one Urdu and one English newspaper.
- Between 7-30 days before public subscription.
Where must copies of the prospectus be made available?
- Registered office of the issuer.
- Securities exchanges.
- Bankers to the issue.
- Share registrar, balloter, and credit rating agency.
What are the requirements for uploading a prospectus on a website?
- Upload full text and subscription form on the website.
- Available from publication to closing of subscription.
What are the restrictions on advertisements announcing public offers?
- Prospectus must be published.
- Advertisement must provide an address to obtain the prospectus.