Propositions Flashcards
Negation ( ˜ )
Su valor (True or False) vas a ser cambiado a su opuesto
En palabras:
“The earth is round.” vs “The earth is not round.”
Conjunction ( p∧q)
Solo son es cierto (T) si ambos statements son cierto (T)
Disjunction (p ∨q )
Es cierto (T) si uno de los dos statements es cierto
example : P is False but Q is True.
This makes the stament True
Exclusive (p ⊕q)
Type of Or
Solo uno de los statements puede ser cierto, no ambos.
1)P is True and Q is True (This statement is false)
2)P is False and Q is True (This statement is True)
In words:
-Soup or salad comes with this entrée,”
we do not expect to be able to get both soup and
Implication (p →q)
Leído como: “if p, then q ”
Solamente es Falso cuando Cierto (T) va primero que Falso (F).
- P is T and Q is False (This statement is False)
- P is False and Q is True (This statement is True)
En palabras: “If I am at home then it is raining.”
converse (q→p)
conversa de (p→q)
contrapositive (˜q →˜p
opuesta y contraria de (p→q)
inverse ( ˜p→˜q
opuesta de (p →q)
Biconditional (p↔q)
read as “p if and only if q .”
Ambas son ciertas o ambas son falsas para que el statement sea True (T)
En palabras:
“I am at home if and only if it is raining.”
is a proposition which is always true.
p ∨¬p
is a proposition which is always false.
p ∧¬p