Algorithms Flashcards
Finding the maximum element in a finite sequence
complexity 0(n)
Procedure max(a1, a2… integers)
max:= ai
for i= 2 to n
if max < a1 then max := ai
return max {max is the largest number}
Linear Search
complexity 0(n)
Procedure linear search( x:integer a1, Distinct) i := 1 while (i <= n and x! = ai) i:= i+1 if i <= n then location := i else location := 0 return location
Binary Search
complexity 0(logn)
Procedure Binary Search (X: integer, a1,a2… increas)
i: = 1( i is left endpoint of search interval)
j: = n (j is right endpoint of search interval)
while i< j
m:= [(i+j)/2]
if x> am(small) then i:= m+1
else j:= m
if x = ai then location := i
else location := 0
return location
Bubble sort
Procedure bubblesort (a1,a2,…an: real n with n>=2)
for i:= 1 to n-1
for j:= 1 to n-i
if aj >aj +1 then interchange aj and aj+1
Insertion sort
complexity 0(n^2)
Procedure Insertion (a1,a2, integers) for j = 2 to n i := 1 while aj > ai i:= i+1 m:=aj for k= 0 to j-i-1 aj-k :=aj-k-1 ai:=m
Prove that if 2^p-1 is primer then p is prime
by contradiction
Suppose that 2^p-1 is prime and p is not prime then let p=st
x^st -1 =(x^s -1)(x^s(t- 1)+ x^s(t-2+…..x^s+1)
Then if x=2 then 2^p-1 can be expressed as the product of two factor
then 2^p-1 is not prime —>contradiction (2^p-1 was stated as prime)
Prove that every composite integer n is a product of prime numbers
(by contradiction)
Let N be the smallest positive number that is not a product of prime numbers.
Since N is a composite then ∃a,b ∈Z
Such that N=ab a,bcontradiction
(N was stated as not prime)
Prove that there are infinite prime numbers
by contradiction
Suppose that there are only K prime numbers
Let n=p1p2p3…pk +1
Consider N/pi= p1p2…pi…pk/pi + 1/pi
then N is not divisible by pi
then N is prime