He started the life appearing elderly and progressively becomes younger.
Benjamin Button
He is Benjamin’s lifelong lover.
Daisy Fuller
She named Benjamin and he became his “mother figure” after his biological father left him.
He is the biological father of Benjamin.
Thomas Button
She taught Benjamin how to play pain, views on life and death, and how to miss somebody.
Ms. Maple
He offered Benjamin a job as a tugboat cleaner and sailor.
Captain Mike Rock
She had an affair with Benjamin
Elizabeth Abott
She is Benjamin’s and Daisy’s daughter
What was Benjamin’s disease, and where was his aging reversed?
He is the director of the movie ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’
David Fincher
He is the writer of the movie ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’
F. Scott Fitzgerald
He proposed the Bioecological Systems Perspective
Urie Bronfenbrenner (1998)