Prophetic Books Flashcards
The coming of the Messiah was a deep and constant theme of the prophets. These prophesies are of great importance because of our Christian faith that Jesus is the promised Messiah of God.
prophesied against the wicked city of Nineveh, and its fall under a mightier Babylonian empire
labored to remind his fellowmen not to succumb to paganism
Major Themes of the Old Testament Prophecy
The holiness and greatness of God, Justice – Oppression of the Poor and the dispossessed, Trust and Fidelity, Messianism
condemned the alliance entered by the King of Judah to the pagan Assyrian king
With the division of the kingdom, the prophets of the north and the south have the same message; directed against the injustices that seem to be flourishing in the society.
ustice – Oppression of the Poor and the dispossessed.
prophesied against Edom but emphasized the survival of Mt. Zion
gathered the people together in an assembly, exhorted them to repent and made offering to the Lord.
Famous of his story of being eaten by a large fish and brought to Nineveh, Jonah spoke the word of Yahweh and warned Nineveh to repent
the reminder of Yahweh’s forgiveness and mercy by calling them to repentance.
condemned the alliance entered by the King of Judah to the pagan Assyrian king
He warned Israel of her infidelity by worshipping the Baals, as it was beautifully paralleled with the unfaithfulness of Hosea’s adulterous wife, Gomer, but ended his message with Yahweh’s unconditional love and pardon for the sinfulness of Israel
condemned the resurgence of blatant idolatry and blasphemy in Judah and fearlessly delivered the message of doom and judgement
Men called by God to speak His word to the people
explicitly condemned the abuses of idolatry and infidelity of Judah