Property Records & Information Systems Flashcards
Can you tell me the data protection regulations you have to adhere to?
General Data Protection Regulations, 2016 (GDPR)
- EU initiative
- Relates to personal data
- Key requirements:
- An obligation for firms to conduct data protection impact assessments
- Individuals have the right to know how their data is processed
- Any data breaches need to be reported to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) within 72 hours
- Fine is either 4% of global turnover or €20m whichever is greater
Data Protection Act, 2018
- The UK’s implementation of the GDPR
- Endorses GDPR
- Covers the previous provisions of the 1998 Act but more specific rules on personal data
- Individuals have the right to be informed, can request data to be erased
What do you understand about the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
- Gives individual the right of access to information held by public bodies
- Public body is required to supply information within 20 working days
- Exemptions apply when:
- Contrary to GDPR
- It would prejudice a criminal matter under investigation
- It would prejudice a person’s/organisations commercial interest
- Also relates to non-disclosure agreements, which keeps information private and confidential
- Often used when procuring new clients, business ventures etc
- Can only be overruled by a subpoena
Why is effective record keeping important?
- It keeps a written log of the process and work carried out during an instruction
- VPS 2 requires Red Book valuations to be effectively recorded
- In case of a claim made against you or your firm in the future, including negligence claims
- Useful in the case of a member of staff falling ill, leaving the firm or being otherwise incapacitated
- Keeps hold of data such as valuation information for the benefit of the firm
How does your client ensure their data is protected?
- Users for sharing live documents need to be registered and approved by IT
- Property database is encrypted and password protected
- The database is regularly backed up by the provider
- Only certain team members can see property records for data protection purposes
- Firewall operated by the IT department with 2 stage verification required to access systems such as emails
- VPN required to access systems
- The Client utilises Power BI and MDS which requires users to install an add-on through the company’s software centre
Can you tell me about the GDPR Regulations.
- An EU initiative, The General Data Protection Regulations 2016
- Adopted under the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018
- Company’s need to provide informed consent to hold and collect data
- An individual has the right to access their data, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, the right to be informed
- Company’ should undertake data risk assessments
- The aim was to create a single piece of a data protection law which emphasises the protection of personal data and how person data is processed
- If the regulations are breached, a company can be fined 4% global turnover or €20m whichever greater
Can you tell me what is contained within a Title record.
- Address
- Description of the property
- Tenure type
- Details of sale
- Any restrictive covenants or easements
- Available documents
Can you tell me what is contained on a Title plan?
- Title number
- Ordinance Survey Map reference
- Scale, usually 1:1250
- Administrative area
- North point
- Property outlined in red
How does your client ensure data protection is adhered to with the database?
- Encrypted data where only registered users can access
- Access through a username and password
- VPN required to log in
- When a property is disposed, payment details are shredded and erased
Can you tell me about this demise project you were involved in.
- The aim was to create accurate records for the core estate
- The core estate was determined by trading figures of the top 2000 shops which matched my clients strategy of reducing the size of the estate
- 4 leases a week were checked by the Assets and Estates team
- Details included:
- Extent of the demise
- Tenure
- Repairing obligations, FRI, IRI etc
- Details of the service charge
- Break and lease expiry date checks against the database
- This data was uploaded to the database for utilisation by the wider property department
Can you tell me about the case management function you reference in your submission.
- This is used for transactions such as re-gears, rent reviews, lease renewals
- It follows steps from notice received, terms agreed, formal approval and legal completion
- An authorisation report is auto generated at stage 3, terms agreed
- This is then uploaded the database for approval of the deal
- Once legal completion has been confirmed, the case is completed and a change request is generated
- The change request is then sent to the data team to update the record the lease record on the database
Can you tell me what you would look for in a rent review clause?
- The review date
- The basis of the review:
- Upwards only
- Upwards/Downwards
- Index linked
- Minimum uplift
- The assumptions and disregards
- Any licence for alterations
- The hypothetical term
- Details of the third party dispute resolver
Can you tell me about recommendations you have made for the database?
- Developing a cloud based system which can be accessed from anywhere
- Details needed for the demise project to help the maintenance team
- Adding wider departments such as the maintenance team to the database
- Adding accounts payable contact details for LL’s to the database