Legal right to property
The exercise of dominion and control
First possession
justifying ownership by being there first
Doctrine of Discovery
Gave an exclusive right to extinguish the Indian title of occupancy, either by purchase or conquest
Sighting of unknown territory
Rule of Capture
(Pierson v Post)
-One succeeds in acquiring a property interest in wild animals hunted on public land by mortally wounding the animal, or so maiming or ensuring it as to render its escape a virtual impossibility
-mere pursuit is not enough
Theory of Malicious Interference with Trade
-property holder making lawful use of his land is free to do so without interference from others
-where the landowner uses his property for a profit-making venture, it constitutes a trade, and interfering with a person’s livelihood subjects the interferer to liability for damages
Ratione Soli (by reason of the land)
-Landowners are the presumptive “constructive” possessors of all that is on their land.
-protects landowners’ reasonable expectations that trespassers will not be rewarded.
Actual Possession
being on land and controlling it
Constructive Possession
without being first to touch - courts treat it as actual
Tragedy of the Commons
ARISES OUT OF OPEN ACCESS COMMONS - situation in which individuals with access to an unowned resource (common) act in their own interest and in doing so ultimately deplete the resource
Economic Theory of Property
-a basic purpose is to create incentives to achieve a greater internalization of externalities (HEART OF ECONOMIC THRORY)
-internalizing an externality is the process of incorporating the external costs or benefits of an economic activity into the decision making process of the parties involved
an effect of one person’s activity on another person that the first person does not take into account - heart of economic theory
Property as a “Bundle of Rights”
1- right to exclude
2- right to transfer
3- right to destroy
Right to exclude
-ability of property owners to control access to their property
-trespass is wrong and there will be punishment
-liability: if you enter, you must pay damages
(open access=no right to exclude)
Right to transfer
owner can sell, lease, exchange, gift on terms and conditions deemed appropriate.
government cannot take property without just compensation
Right to destroy
while living and upon death, rights limited to public policy
public trust doctrine
land owned by state for benefit of public, holds natural resource in trust of public, have right to access and use resource
used to protect something of value IP law doesn’t cover - cannot unnecessarily or unfairly injure other
- Patentable
- Novelty
- Utility
- Non-Obvious
- Enablement
falls in the subject matter (process, machine, manufacture) that statute says you can protect
new, not preceded in identical form