Property Crimes Flashcards
Property Crime
Acts in violation of criminal law designed to bring economic reward to the offender
Occasional Thieves
Lack of commitment to a criminal lifestyle
Situational inducements (peer pressure, economic need)
Opportunity structured by class
Professional Thieves
Make a significant portion of their income from crime
Highly skilled, usually non-violent
Pocket-picking, burglary, shoplifting, forgery and counterfeiting, extortion, sneak theft, and confidence swindling
Sutherland’s “The Professional Thief”
Engage in limited types of crime
Exclusive use of wits, front (a believable demeanor) and talking ability
Occupation with much the same internal organization as legitimate professions
Any unlawful entry of a structure to commit theft or felony
Most are residential
Urban, rented, multi-family dwellings most at risk
Types of burglars
Low level
Mid range
High level
Support system for burglars
Tipsters and Fences
Fences earn their living solely by buying and reselling stolen merchandise
The use of a professional fence is the most common method to dispose of stolen goods for professional burglars, but the least common method for the majority of thieves
Taking (caption) and carrying away (asportation) of another person’s personal property
Separated into petty and grand based on monetary value
Probably the most common crime
Most involve items of little value, often unreported. Others involve complex conspiracies
Form of larceny involving goods being stolen from retail stores
Profile of Shoplifters
Profile of Shoplifters:
Professionals (about 10%)
Widespread use of techniques of neutralization among apprehended shoplifters
Explaining property crimes
Cultural emphasis on economic success
Widespread use of techniques of neutralization
Economic deprivation and unemployment
Routine activities
Property crime for thrills
Reducing property crimes
Harsher punishments do not work
Situational prevention at the individual level: target hardening
Making it difficult for thieves to burglarize, steal cars alarm systems, locks
Situational prevention at the community level
Street lighting, surveillance cameras
Neighborhood watch largely ineffective
Improving socio-economic conditions
Obtaining money or property by false pretense
Identity Theft
Tax Fraud/Evasion
Insurance Fraud
The willful and malicious burning of a home, public building, vehicle, or commercial building
Most set by adolescents
Professional arson
- Arson for profit
- Arson fraud