Properties of Whole Muscle Contraction Flashcards
What is a motor unit?
One motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it supplies
Fine control muscles have…
smaller motor units
Large, weight-bearing muscles have…
larger motor units
Every muscle fiber has ______ innervation
its own innervation
Name the two ways muscle responses are graded
frequency of stimulation # of motor units recruited (strength)
What does it indicate about the motor units if a muscle contraction reached its maximum?
All the motor units would be activated
What size muscle fibers are recruited for large amounts of force?
small, medium, AND large-fiber motor units are recruited
Hypotonia (lack of muscle tone) indicates a problem with what?
spinal reflexes; could be due to lack of oxygen during birth, cerebral palsy, problems with brain development or formation in womb
What is muscle tension?
The force exerted on object to be moved
what is a load?
the opposing force exerted on the muscle by the object being moved
What is the same during an isometric and isotonic contraction
both have cross-bridge cycling, both create tension, contraction, both doing work, both going to fatigue
What is different about isotonic contraction versus isometric?
isotonic- tension great enough to move load, muscle shortens, filaments slide
isometric- tension not enough to move load, muscle does not shorten, filaments not sliding
What are the two types of isotonic contractions?
concentric- muscle contracts
and eccentric- muscle elongates
What happens during direct phosphorylation
Who knows?
No but seriously, what happens during direct phosphorylation?
Creatine kinase pulls phosphate off CP to make ADP–>ATP, only good for about 15 seconds of energy