Chapter 10 Muscles Flashcards
What are the 7 ways muscles can be named? Give an example for each
Location - Frontalis Shape - Deltoid Attachments - Extensor CARPI RADIALIS Size - BREVIS Directions of fibers/fascicles - RECTUS Number of origins - BIceps femoris Action - EXTENSOR
If a muscle is named for its attachments, which is named first, the origin or insertion?
Origin; extensor carpi ulnaris originates on the carpals and inserts on the ulna
What do circular muscles do?
squeeze or close
what do convergent muscles do?
adduct, rotate
what do fucsiform muscles do?
flex, supinate (biceps brachii)
What do -“pennate” muscles do?
powerful with less range (deltoid)
in general, a muscle that crosses anterior side of joing
In general, a muscle that crosses posterior side of joint
In general, a muscle that crosses lateral side of joint
In general, a muscle that crosses medial side of joint
If the fulcrum of the lever is in the middle, it’s a
1st class lever
If the load of the lever is in the middle, it’s a
2nd class lever
If the effort of the lever is in the middle, it’s a
3rd class lever
What’s the difference between a power lever and a speed lever?
Power-fulcrum close to load, strength is priority over speed
Speed-fulcrum far away from load, speed is priority