Proper Action when Stopped by Law Enforcement Flashcards
Pull over safely means:
Slow down, signal, and pull over to the right shoulder. If no shoulder, find the safest spot. Avoid sudden braking or stopping in traffic. Do not stop in unsafe locations (bridges, curves, near guardrails, etc.).
Remain in vehicle means:
Keep hands visible on the steering wheel until instructed otherwise.
What should you do when an officer is approaching?
Be prepared for the officer to approach from either side of the vehicle.
Should you ever exit the vehicle during a stop by law enforcement?
Never exit the vehicle unless instructed to do so. Even if they are in the wrong, comply while stating your rights and contest it later in court.
What do officers always ask for during a traffic stop? You are expected to provide them.
If asked, which is very likely, you must provide your drivers license and proof of insurance as instructed.
If the vehicle stopping you is unmarked, and you are unsure if it is an actual police officer, what should you do?
If unsure, proceed slowly to a well-lit area, police station, or call 911. Activate hazard lights.
During a night stop, is it acceptable to turn on your interior light?
Turning on the interior light is acceptable, whether during day, or night.
If you are issued a ticket or arrested, you should do the following things:
*Do not argue with the officer.
*Sign the ticket (acknowledgment, not admission of guilt).
*Be cooperative. Refusal of tests (e.g., for drunk driving) can lead to license loss.
*Do not resist arrest.
If you are convinced the officer engaged in some form of misconduct during their stop, what should you do?
Report the officer’s misconduct to their superiors. Officers also must provide name and badge number upon request.