What does a propensity score represent?
The predicted probability of exposure in a particular individual based on a set of relevant characteristics (because confounders increase the propensity of being exposed)
What is the role of the propensity score?
Estimates treatment effects by controlling for confounding in observational cohort studies
What’s the best distribution of exposure/outcome for a propensity score?
Common exposure, rare outcome
Which variables should we
a) include
b) not include
in a logistic regression to estimate the propensity score?
a) All variables related to the outcome, whether or not they are related to the exposure
b) UNLESS they are a consequence of the exposure (collider); also exclude variables unrelated to the outcome
What is the impact of including variables that are unrelated to the exposure despite being related to the outcome?
None, it’s fine.
It decreases the variance without increasing the bias.
What is the impact of including variables that are unrelated to the outcome despite being related to the exposure?
It increases the variance without decreasing the bias.
What are the main 2 steps of creating/using propensity scores?
- Model the exposure variable in a regression as a function of potential confounders. This calculates the predicted probability of exposure for every individual as a function of these covariates.
- Apply the propensity score by matching, stratifying, controlling or weighting.
For a given propensity score, what is the chance of control/experimental arm the same as?
The choice of control or experimental arm is the same as a random process, given that the patient had a real choice
What is the C statistic?
- Means: concordance
- A measure of model discrimination, but cannot judge adequacy
- Estimates the probability that a patient randomly selected from the treatment arm has a higher propensity score than a patient randomly selected from control arm (should be high)
What should the area under a ROC curve be for a propensity score?
0.5 (random)
Summary of propensity score matching?
- Finding individuals with similar propensity score in both arms and matching them (e.g., 1:1 nearest-neighbor-matching, with a match of 0.1 distance)
- Calculate treatment effect with matched pair analysis
- Equivalent to simulated randomization (distributes confounding evenly)
Summary of propensity score adjusting?
- Including the propensity score as a covariate in a regression model (ideally, with the individual covariates, leading to a doubly robust model)
Summary of propensity score stratifying?
- Splitting the dataset on the basing of the propensity score alone, and then estimating the treatment effect in each stratum and taking the weighted average for overall effect
Summary of inverse probability weighting?
- Re-weighting individuals from the whole dataset to increase the weight of those with unexpected exposure
- Equivalent to producing additional observations for where there is few observations
- Creates a pseudopopulation with near-perfect covariate balance
Weight given to treatment and control arm in inverse probability weighting? Any problem with that?
Tx: 1/PS
Control: 1/(1-PS)
Problem: when the PS is close to 0 for the tx arm, and close to 1 for control arm