Pronunciation Rules - Different than Expected Sounds Flashcards
- When do Korean syllables ending in consonants lack “breath” sounds?
- When do they have “breath” sounds?
- When the next syllable starts with a consonant
2. When next syllable starts with vowel sound, using ㅇ to start
Breath noise (yes/no)? Pronunciation?
no breath on k, sounds very quiet
Breath noise (yes/no)? Pronunciation?
moh-gah (2nd syllable starts with vowel, so k/g breath carries over
먹어 VS 먹 + 어
moh-gah (connected vowel carries over breath noise)
mohk + ah
Ending: ㅅ and ㅆ
- When a word ends with ㅅ or ㅆ, or has a consonant following, what sound replaces the “s” noise?
(ex: 었) - When a word ends with ㅅ or ㅆ, but a vowel starts the next syllable, what replaces the “s” noise?
(ex: 했어)
- ”s” is replaced by a “d” sound.
Ex: 싯, 했, 겠, 었, 았, 짓
(shid, hed, ked, ohd, ahd, chid) - Nothing. It stays the same.
ex: 했어 (VS) 했 + 어)
hessoh (VS) hed + oh
Sound change: ㄹ
- Final consonant of one syllable is ㄱ (k)
- First consonant of next syllable is ㄹ (l/r)
- The ㄹ (l/r) gets pronounced as _____?
ex: 복 + 리 (VS) 복리
- ㄱ(k) followed by ㄹ(l/r), ㄹ is pronounced as ㄴ (n)
ex: boh + li (VS) boh-ni
Remember ending consonant is silent except when followed by a vowel.
Sound change: ㄹ
- Final consonant of one syllable is ㅇ (-ng)
- First consonant of next syllable is ㄹ (l/r)
- The ㄹ (l/r) gets pronounced as _____?
ex: 상 + 록 (VS) 상록
- ㅇ (-ng) followed by ㄹ (l/r), ㄹ is pronounced as ㄴ (n)
ex: sahng + loh (VS) sahng-no
Remember ending consonant is silent except when followed by a vowel.
Sound change: ㄴ
- Final consonant of one syllable is ㄴ (n)
- First consonant of next syllable is ㄹ (l/r)
- The ㄴ (n) gets pronounces as _____?
ex: 원 + 래 (VS) 원래
- ㄴ (n) followed by ㄹ (l/r), ㄴ is pronounced as ㄹ (l/r)
ex: wan + leh (VS) wal-leh
Sound change: ㅂ
- Final consonant of one syllable is ㅂ(b)
- First consonant of next syllable is ㄴ (n)
- The ㅂ(b) gets pronounced as _____?
ex: 습니다
- ㅂ(b) followed by ㄴ (n), ㅂ(b) is pronounced as ㅁ(m)
ex: sim-ni-da
ㅂ(b) changes to ㅁ(m) instead of silent, otherwise it would be “sib-ni-da” with a silent b
If a 4-letter syllable is present, usually one of the latter consonants is _______ when followed by a syllable starting with a consonant.
ex: 닭
ex: t-ah-k (ㄹ [l/r] is silent)