Prononciation 😶 Flashcards
Comment prononces-tu le mot CASA? 🏠
- [a] comme dans la
- s = [z]
- [ä], proche du [œu] dans œuf
Comment prononces-tu le nom PEDRO? 🙋🏻♂️
- e = [é] comme dans dé
- u = [ou] comme dans tout
Comment prononces-tu le nom JOSÉ? 🙋🏼♂️
- o = [ou] comme dans tout
- s = [z]
- e = [è] comme dans fève
Comment prononces-tu le mot CIDADE? 🏙️
- s = [s]
- a = [a] comme dans la
- e = [e] muet comme dans petite
Comment prononces-tu le mot E? (&)
Comment prononces-tu le mot EXATO? 👉
- e = [i]
- s = [z]
- a = [a]
- o = [ou]
Comment prononces-tu le mot AVÔ? 👴🏼
- a = [ä], proche du [œu] dans œuf
- ô = [o] comme dans mot
Comment prononces-tu le mot AVÓ? 👵🏼
- a = [ä], proche du [œu] dans œuf
- ó = [ò] comme dans bol
Comment prononces-tu le mot TU? 🫵
- u = [ou]
Comment prononces-tu le mot BRASIL? 🇧🇷
- a = [ä], proche du [œu] dans œuf
- s = [z]
- l = [L] avec l’arrière de la langue comme dans l’anglais well
Comment prononces-tu le mot MILHO? 🌽
- lh = [lly], proche de lièvre et de millon
- o = [ou]
Comment prononces-tu le mot LINHA? 〰️
- nh = [gn] comme dans ligne
- a = [ä], proche du [œu] dans œuf
Comment prononces-tu le mot RARO? ✨
- [R] comme le r en français
- a = [a]
- [r] légèrement roulé
- o = [ou]
Comment prononces-tu le mot CARRO? 🚙
- a = [a]
- rr = [R]
- o = [ou]
Comment prononces-tu le mot SETE? 7️⃣
- s = [s]
- [è]
- [e]
Comment prononces-tu le nom ROSA? 👩🏼🦰
- [R]
- o = [ò] comme dans bol
- s = [z]
- a = [a]
Comment prononces-tu le mot ESPERAR?🫸⌚️
- Premier e muet / skipped
- s = [ch]
- e = [e]
- r = [r]
- a = [a]
- r = [r]
Comment prononces-tu le mot BONITOS? 😍
- o = [ou]
- s = [ch]
Comment prononces-tu le mot TÁXI? 🚕
- á = [a]
- x = [ks]
Comment prononces-tu le mot LUXO? 💎
- o = [ou]
- x = [ch]
Comment prononces-tu le mot EXEMPLO? ✏️
- e = [i]
- x = [z]
- e = [e]
- o = [ou]
Comment prononces-tu le mot PRÓXIMO? ⏭️
- r = [r]
- ó = [ò] comme dans bol
- x = [s]
- o = [ou]
Comment prononces-tu le mot ZERO? 0️⃣
- z = [z]
- e = [è]
- r = [r]
- o = [ou]
Comment prononces-tu le mot PAZ? 🌍
- a = [a]
- z = [j]
How do you pronounce:
A vs Á vs À
- a = [a] or [ä]
- á = [a]
- à = [a]
How do you pronounce:
E vs É vs Ê
- e = [é] or [i]
- é = [è]
- ê = [é]
How do you pronounce:
O vs Ó vs Ô
- o = [ou]
- ó = [ò]
- ô = [o]
How do you pronounce:
U vs Ú
- u = ú = [ou]
When is r = R?
- En début de mot
- Double r (rr)
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue ai?
ai = [ay] comme dans paille
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue ei?
ei = [èy] proche du [èy] dans conseil
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue ui?
ui = [ouy] proche du [ouy] de fouille
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue oi?
oi = [oy]
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue au?
au = [aou]
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue eu?
eu = [éou]
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue iu?
iu = [iou]
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue ou?
ou = [o]
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue éu?
éu = [èou]
Comment prononces-tu la diphtongue ói?
ói = [òy]
How do you pronounce pouco? 🤏
How do you pronounce seu (as in o seu lápis)? 💁♂️
How do you pronounce céu? 🌌
How do you pronounce oito? 🎱
How do you pronounce dói? 🤕
How do you pronounce the nasal sound ã, comme dans irmã? 👧🏼
ã = [in] comme dans lin
How do you pronounce the nasal sound an, comme dans anjo? 👼🏼
an = [in] comme dans lin
How do you pronounce the nasal sound am, comme dans samba ou cantam? 💃🏾🎤
am = [in] comme dans lin
Sauf en fin de mot:
am = [an] proche du [an] dans tant
How do you pronounce the nasal sound ãe (fin de mot) , comme dans mãe? 🤰
ens = [aïn] proche du [ain] dans bain, prononcé [ain] + [y]
How do you pronounce the nasal sound em, comme dans tempo or bem? ⏳🙂
em = [ém’], sorte de [é] nasal
Sauf en fin de mot:
em = [aïn] proche du [ain] dans bain, prononcé [ain] + [y]
How do you pronounce the nasal sound ens (fin de mot), comme dans homens? 👨🏻🦱👨🏽🦱👨🏿🦱
ens = [aïnch] proche du [ain] dans bain, prononcé [ain] + [y] + [ch] (pour le s)
How do you pronounce the nasal sound ão, comme dans não? 🙅🏽♂️
ão = [ãou] = [in] + [ou]
How do you pronounce the nasal sound en, comme dans contente? 😁
en = [én’], sorte de [é] nasalisé
How do you pronounce the nasal sound in, comme dans cinco? 5️⃣
in = [in], sorte de [i] nasalisé
How do you pronounce the nasal sound im, comme dans sim? 👍🟢
im = [in], sorte de [i] nasalisé
How do you pronounce the nasal sound on, comme dans contra? 🤺
on = [on], comme dans on
How do you pronounce the nasal sound om, comme dans bom? 👍
om = [on], comme dans on
How do you pronounce the nasal sound õe, comme dans televisões? 📺
õe = [oïn] = [on] + [y], proche de l’onomatopée boing
How do you pronounce the nasal sound un, comme dans mundo? 🌏
un = [oun], sorte de [ou] nasalisé
How do you pronounce the nasal sound un, comme dans um? ☝️
um = [oun], sorte de [ou] nasalisé
Which is the correct pronunciation of BRANCO? ⚪️🐁
[brankou] or [brinkou]
with [in] comme dans lin, et non [an] comme dans banane
Which is the correct pronunciation of ELEFANTE? 🐘
[eləfantə] or [iləfintə]
(ə = muted e)
- 1st e = [i]
- 2nd and 3rd e = [ə]
- an = [in] comme dans lin
Which is the correct pronunciation of IDEIA? 💡
[idèyä] or [idéyä]
- ei = [èy], proche de conseil
- a = [ä] or [ɐ], aka muted, proche du [œu] dans œuf
Which is the correct pronunciation of PEITO (chest)? 🟨🫁
[payto] or [pèytou]
- ei = [èy], proche de conseil
- o = [ou]
Which is the correct pronunciation of ELE? 🙆🏻♂️
[élǝ] or [ilǝ]
(ə = muted e)
- 1st e = [é]
- 2nd e = [ǝ], aka muted e, comme dans petite
Which is the correct pronunciation of GENTE? 👥👥
[jintə] or [jén’tə]
(ə = muted e)
- g = [j]
- en = [én’], sorte de [é] nasalisé
Which is the correct pronunciation of HOTEL? 🏩
[hotəL] or [otəL]
(ə = muted e)
- h = [] aka nothing! (you NEVER pronounce h)
- o = [o] comme dans mot
- e = [ə]
- l = [L] comme dans *well
Which is the correct pronunciation of CEM? 💯
[sém’] or [saïn]
- em = [aïn] = [ain] + [y], proche de bain, en fin de mot
Which is the correct pronunciation of DENTE? 🦷
[dén’tǝ] or [daïntǝ]
- en = or [én’], sorte de [é] nasalisé, sauf en fin de mot
- e = [ə]
Which is the correct pronunciation of SONHO? 😌💭
[sonillou] or [sognou]
- 1st o = [o]
- nh = [gn] comme dans ligne
- 2nd o = [ou]
When the letters q and u are followed by a, they are pronounced the same as in French.
- FR: qua = [ka]
- PT: qua = [kwa]
Which is the correct pronunciation of QUANDO? ⏰❓
[kwandou] or [kwindou]
- qu = [kw] or [kou]
- an = [in] comme dans lin
- o = [ou]
Which is the correct pronunciation of DOIS GATOS? 🐈🐈⬛
[dòys gatoch] or [doych gatouch]
[doych gatouch]
- oi = [oy] or [oh-y]
- s = [ch] (fin de mot)
- a = [a]
- o = [ou]
When is is the letter s pronounced [ch]? (5-6)
- fin de mot
- après les lettres a, i, e et o ET est avant une consonne
Which is the correct pronunciation of ESCOLA? 🏫
[chkòlä] or [échkolä]
- e = [] (début de mot)
- s = [ch] (entre e et une consonne)
- o = [ò]
- a = [ä] or [ɐ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of PASTA (as in pasta de dentes)? 🪥
[pästä] or [pachtä]
- 1st a = [a]
- s = [ch] (entre a et une consonne)
- 2nd a = [ä] or [ɐ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of FESTA? 🥳
[fèchtä] or [féchtä]
- e = [è]
- s = [ch] (entre e et une consonne)
- a = [ä] or [ɐ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of HISTÓRIA? 📜📚
[hichtoriä] or [chtòriä]
- h = [] aka nothing! (you NEVER pronounce h)
- i = [] (après h, i gets swallowed)
- s = [ch] (entre i et une consonne)
- ó = [ò]
- r = [r] légèrement doublé
- a = [ä] or [ɐ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of LISTA? 🗒️☑️✏️
[lista] or [lichtä]
- s = [ch] (entre i et une consonne)
- a = [ä] or [ɐ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of ROSTO? 🤦🏼
[Rochtou] or [ròchtou]
- r = R (hard r, comme en français)
- 1st o = [o]
- s = [ch] (entre o et une consonne)
- 2nd o = [ou]
The letter s is pronounced the same as in French when between two vowels.
Between a, e, i, o, u, the letter s = [z]
Which is the correct pronunciation of VASO? 🏺
[väsou] or [vazou]
- a = [a]
- s = [z] (between two vowels)
- o = [ou]
When is is the letter s pronounced [j]? (9)
When s is followed by a voiced consonant: b, d, g, l, m, n, r, v, z
Just like z!
Which is the correct pronunciation of MESMO? 👯♀️
[méjmou] or [méchmou]
- e = [é]
- s = [j] (followed by a voiced consonant, m)
- o = [ou]
Which is the correct pronunciation of ESBOÇO (sketch)? ✍🏽
[chbossou] or [jbossou]
- e = []
- s = [j] (followed by a voiced consonant, m)
- o = [ou]
Which is the correct pronunciation of ISLÂNDIA? 🇮🇸
[ijländiä] or [izlindiä]
- s = [j] (followed by a voiced consonant, l)
- ân = [än] ≠ [in] (the rule doesn’t apply if there’s an accent)
- a = [ä] or [ɐ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of SNOBE? 😌💅
[jnòbǝ] or [snòbǝ]
- s = [j] (followed by a voiced consonant, n)
- o = [ò]
- e = [ǝ]
When is is the letter x pronounced [ch]? (4)
x = [ch] when it’s:
- at the beginning of a word
- after a diphtong (i.e. ai, ei, etc.)
- after me
- after en
Which is the correct pronunciation of XILOFONE? 🥁🎶🌈
[chilofònǝ] or [zilofònǝ]
- x = [ch] (début de mot)
- 1st o = [o]
- 2nd o = [ò]
- e = [ǝ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of CAIXA? 📦
[kayjɐ] or [kaychɐ]
- ai = [ay], comme dans paille
- x = [ch] (après une diphtongue)
- a = [ɐ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of MÉXICO? 🇲🇽
[mèkssikou] or [mèchikou]
- é = [è]
- x = [ch] (après me; applies with accents too)
- o = [ou]
Which is the correct pronunciation of ENXAQUECA (migraine)? 🤕
[én’chakékä] or [én’zakékä]
- en = [én’], sorte de [é] nasalisé
- x = [ch] (après en)
- 1st a = [a]
- 2nd a = [ä] or [ɐ]
Quels sons peut prendre la lettre x? (5)
- [ch]
- [s]
- [z]
- [ks]
- [gz]
N.B.: there doesn’t seem to be any consistent rule here (except for the few [ch] ones), so it’ll be very word dependent.
Which is the correct pronunciation of MÁXIMO? 🔝
[massimou] or [machimou]
- á = [a]
- x = [s] (no hard rules)
- o = [ou]
Which is the correct pronunciation of EXISTIR? 🐣
[égzichtir] or [izichtir]
- e = [i]
- x = [z] (no hard rules)
- s = [ch] ()
- r = [r] légèrement roulé
When does z = [z]? (2)
- Début de mot
- Entre deux voyelles (incl. voyelles nasales on, em, etc.)
Which is the correct pronunciation of DOZE? 1️⃣2️⃣
[dozǝ] or [douzǝ]
- o = [o]
- z = [z] (entre 2 voyelles)
- e = [ǝ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of ONZE? 1️⃣1️⃣
[onzǝ] or [ounzǝ]
- on = [on]
- z = [z] (entre 2 voyelles)
- e = [ǝ]
Which is the correct pronunciation of ZERO? 0️⃣
[sèrou] or [zèrou]
- z = [z] (début de mot)
- e = [è]
- r = [r] légèrement roulé
- o = [ou]
When does z = [ch]? (1)
Fin de mot
Which is the correct pronunciation of RAPAZ? 👦🏾
[Räpach] or [Rapaz]
- r = [R] (hard R)
- 1st a = [ä] or [ɐ]
- 2nd a = [a]
- z = [ch] (fin de mot)
Which is the correct pronunciation of DEZ? 🔟
[dèss] or [dèch]
- e = [è]
- z = [ch] (fin de mot)
Which is the correct pronunciation of DEZ RAPAZES? 🔟👦🏾
[dèz Rapazech] or [dèch Räpazǝch]
[dèch Räpazech]
1. e = [è]
2. z = [ch] (fin de mot)
1. r = [R] (hard R)
2. 1st a = [ä] or [ɐ]
3. 2nd a = [a]
4. z = [z] (entre 2 voyelles)
5. e = [ǝ]
6. s = [ch] (fin de mot)
When is is the letter z pronounced [j]? (9)
When z is followed by a voiced consonant: b, d, g, l, m, n, r, v, z
Just like s!
Which is the correct pronunciation of FELIZMENTE? 😁
[félizmentǝ] or [fǝlijmén’tǝ]
- e = [ǝ]
- z = [j] (suivit de m)
- en = [én’], sorte de [é] nasalisé
Which is the correct pronunciation of TRAZ-ME (UM COPO DE ÁGUA)? 🤲🚰
[trazmǝ] or [trajmǝ]
- a = [a]
- z = [j] (suivit de m)
- e = [ǝ]
a always = [a] seulement
a = [a] OR [ä]/[ɐ]
á always = [a] seulement
â always = [ä]/[ɐ] seulement
e always = [é] seulement
e = [é] or [è] or [e]/[ǝ]
é always = [é]
é always = [è]
ê always = [é]
o always = [ou] seulement
o = [ò] or [o] or [ou]
ó always = [o]
ó = [ò]
ô always = [o]
ou always = [o]
u always = [ou] seulement
ú always = [ou] seulement