Promotion of healthy lifestyles, signposting & support for self-care Flashcards
What elements does the promotion of healthy lifestyles cover (2)
- Providingadviceon healthy lifestyles and public health issues to patients receiving dispensed medicines
- Participate in up to sixcampaignsat the request of NHS England – for example, specific cancer awareness weeks/months, asthma or diabetes weeks, national no smoking day, world AIDS day etc.
What is the aim of the promotion of healthy lifestyles
increase public knowledge and understanding of healthy lifestyle messages so people will be encouraged to improve their own health or stay as healthy as they already are.
How does the promotion of healthy lifestyles service work (3)
- Pharmacists and their staff will give advice on specific healthy living/public health topics to people presenting prescriptions with medicines for diabetes, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure, and those who are at risk of these problems.
- pharmacies are required to undertake prescription-linked interventions on major areas of public health concern, such as encouraging smoking cessation.
- Local authorities also provide guidance to the pharmacies in their region about national health campaigns as well as decide on which local campaigns to run in the area, based on local health issues.
For national and local campaigns for the promotion of healthy lifestyles service… (4)
- Pharmacists and their staff will give all customers advice on health campaign issues
- This advice may be backed up by written information, for example leaflets, in store displays, etc.
- The pharmacist will provide this service and information for up to six campaigns in each calendar year
- Your local authority may ask that the pharmacist records the number of people who receive advice during a campaign
What is signposting (2)
- the referral of customers who need further support, advice or treatment which cannot be provided by the pharmacy, to appropriate organisations who may be able to assist.
- For example, people may require the help of other health or social care providers. The pharmacy must provide the contact details of that provider.
What are some useful contacts for signposting (8)
- Chiropodist/Podiatrist
- Dentist
- Midwife
- Nurse practitioner
- Nutritionist
- Optician
- Psychiatrist
- Physiotherapist
What is the support for self-care service
Providing advice and support to allow patients to obtain the maximum support and benefit from caring for themselves or their families.
What are the key points for the self-care support service (5)
- Provide advice on minor ailments and long term conditions
- Advise on the use of non-prescription medicines
- Give opportunistic advice on healthy lifestyles
- Signpost to other health and social care providers
- Record advice given