Promoting Communication Flashcards
Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS)
- can express themselves socially (make jokes, greet, personal convos)
- casual conversations
- based on context
1-3 years
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)
- can use academic vocabulary
- formal language
5-7 years
Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
uses comprehensible input so students learn language and develop academic language
- 8 components (basically like our POPs)
Krashens 5 Hypotheses
acquisition learning hypothesis: (SOCIAL)students will acquire language from natural communication
natural order hypothesis: there is a sequence for acquiring language (teach abstract and more complex language explicitly)
monitor hypothesis: students pay attention and correct their mistakes
input hypothesis: differentiation by using comprehensive input
affective filter hypothesis: negative feelings (fear of being made fun of) impacts language acquisitor
Cognitive and Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA)
idk lol
natural approach
focuses on low affective filter
priority: receptive skills over productive skills
goal: max comprehensible input
nativist theory
children naturally absorb language
Cummin’s Quadrants