Prolonged pregnancy Flashcards
Define prolonged pregnancy
Pregnancy that exceeds 294 days (42 weeks) from the first day of the last menstrual period in a woman with
a regular 28-day cycle.
Post-maturity sy of infants
Clinical features
- Stage I: Absence of vernix caseosa and lanugo (fine hair), loss of subcutaneous fat, and old looking.
- Stage II: Stage I + meconium staining of the amniotic fluid, and greenish nails and skin.
- Stage III: Stages I and II + dry, peeling and cracked skin, particularly on the hands and feet
Stage I
Absence of vernix caseosa and lanugo (fine hair), loss of subcutaneous fat, and old looking
Stage II
Stage I + meconium staining of the amniotic fluid, and greenish nails and skin
Stage III
Stages I and II + dry, peeling and cracked skin, particularly on the hands and feet.
Complications Prolonged pregnancy
Increased perinatal mortality .
- Intrapartum fetal distress and increased operative delivery rate.
- Meconium aspiration.
Monitor prolonged pregnancy
Monitored by CTG, NST and amniotic fluid index (AFI) assessment between 40-41 weeks (normal 40 weeks
and preterm 37 weeks); those with low AFI are at increased risk of postmaturity sy.
§ Labour is managed by cervical preparation with prostaglandins or mechanical methods should be
attempted. If this fails then a caesarian is preferred.
Predisposing factors prolonged pregnancy
Predisposing factors include hypo/aplasia of fetal pituitary and adrenal glands, absence of placental
sulfatase enzymes, cephalopelvic disproportion, and late term pregnancy in medical history.
§ All indicators of intrauterine malnutrition and often associated with oligohydramnios.