Breech presentation Flashcards
Breech presentation
- Definition
- How do you diagnose
When the fetus is lying longitudinally and its buttocks, foot or
feet are presenting instead of its head.
§ Diagnosed by Leopold examination.
- Xác định cực thai ở đáy tử cung (Fundal Grip):
Sờ phần trên bụng (đáy tử cung).
Kiểm tra xem đó là đầu (cứng, tròn) hay mông (mềm, không đều).
- Xác định vị trí lưng thai nhi (Umbilical Grip):
Sờ hai bên bụng.
Tìm lưng (cứng, phẳng) và tay/chân (lồi lõm, di động).
- Xác định phần trình diện (Pawlik’s Grip):
Sờ ngay trên xương mu.
Xem đầu (tròn, cứng) hay mông (mềm, không đều) ở phía dưới.
- Kiểm tra độ lọt (Pelvic Grip):
Ấn tay gần khung chậu, kiểm tra xem phần trình diện (thường là đầu) đã vào khung chậu hay chưa (di động hoặc cố định).
Breech presentation
Associated with what
- Preterm delivery
- Multiple pregnancy
- Fetal and uterine abnormality
- Placenta praevia
Types of breech presentation
- Frank breech: Legs are extended along fetal trunk. ~70%
- Flexed breech: Legs are flexed at the hips and the knees
with fetus sitting on its legs. - Knee or footling presentation: One or both legs are flexed and breech; baby is above the pelvis.
This presentation may be critical as it may lead to entrapment of the head and prolapsed limb or cord.
§ Hazards of breech presentation includes cord compression and prolapse,
entrapment of the head behind the cervix specially during footling presentation, intracranial hemorrhage and trauma to viscera; rupture of gut and spleen specially if obstetrician handles the fetal abdomen
Management of breech presentation
- Best option is to avoid vaginal breech delivery. Caesarian section is the safest!
- Performance of External Cephalic Version (ECV) at 38 weeks ~50% efficient;
pressure is applied in opposite direction to the two fetal poles as the mother sits
in a supine position. Assisted by ultrasound and CTG.
- ECV may lead to placental abruption, rupture of membrane and fetal bradycardia
(urgent!). - Müller maneuver- the arm close to the symphysis is released/extracted.
- Classical arm extraction- arm close to perineum is extracted.
- Mauricaeu maneuver.
- Bracht maneuver
Criteria for vaginal delivery are
Fetal weight more than 1.5 kg, less than 4 kg.
- Flexed or frank breech presentation, flexed head, and impeccable CTG