Prokaryotes Flashcards
Antibiotic Drug
Drug that kills bacteria and cures bacterial infections and diseases.
Note: Most aren’t very selective, so they can end up destroying good bacteria as well.
Antibiotic Resistance
Ability to withstand antibiotic drugs, which has developed in some bacteria.
One of two prokaryote domains that includes organisms that live in extreme environments.
Domain of prokaryotes, some of which cause human diseases.
Colony of prokaryotes that is stuck to a surface such as a rock or a host’s tissue.
Gram-positive blue-green photosynthetic bacteria.
Spores that form inside prokaryotic cells when they are under stress, enclosing the DNA and helping it survive conditions that may kill the cell.
Any type of Archaea that lives in an extreme environment such as a very salty, hot, or acidic environment.
Long, thin protein extensions of the plasma membrane in most prokaryotic cells that help the cells move.
Genetic Transfer
Method of increasing genetic variation in prokaryotes that involves “grabbing” stray pieces of DNA from their environment or exchanging DNA with other cells.
Gram-negative Bacteria
Type of Bacteria that stains red with Gram stain and have a thin cell wall with an outer membrane.
Gram-positive Bacteria
Type of bacteria that stain purple with Gram stain and have a thick cell wall without an outer membrane.
Small, circular piece of DNA in a prokaryotic cell.
Organism such as an insect that spreads pathogens from host to host.
Uni-cellular organism that does not have a nucleus with a membrane or specialized organelles.